The dwave-hybrid framework enables you to quickly design and test workflows that iterate sets of samples through samplers to solve arbitrary QUBOs. Large problems can be decomposed and two or more solution techniques can run in parallel.
The Schematic Representation figure below shows an example configuration. Samples are iterated over four parallel solvers. The top branch represents a classical tabu search that runs on the entire problem until interrupted by another branch completing. These use different decomposers to parcel out parts of the current sample set (iteration \(i\)) to samplers such as a D-Wave system (second-highest branch) or another structure of parallel simulated annealing and tabu search. A generic representation of a branch’s components—decomposer, sampler, and composer—is shown in the lowest branch. A user-defined criterion selects from current samples and solver outputs a sample set for iteration \(i+1\).

Schematic Representation#
You can use the framework to run a provided hybrid solver or to configure workflows using provided components such as tabu samplers and energy-based decomposers.
You can also use the framework to build your own components to incorporate into your workflow.