

Try to cancel the problem corresponding to this result.

Non-blocking call to the remote resource in a best-effort attempt to prevent execution of a problem.


This example creates a solver using the local system’s default D-Wave Cloud Client configuration file, submits a simple QUBO problem to a remote D-Wave resource for 100 samples, and tries (and in this case succeeds) to cancel it.

>>> from dwave.cloud import Client
>>> client = Client.from_config()         
>>> solver = client.get_solver()          
>>> u, v = next(iter(solver.edges))       
>>> Q = {(u, u): -1, (u, v): 0, (v, u): 2, (v, v): -1}   
>>> computation = solver.sample_qubo(Q, num_reads=100)   
>>> computation.cancel()  
>>> computation.done()   
>>> computation.remote_status    
>>> client.close()