Visualizing Problems#

Typically you use the show() function on a SampleSet returned from the quantum computer or on the SAPI problem ID[1]. Other problem inputs, such as the binary quadratic model—in BQM, Ising, or QUBO formats—and an embedding, are optional. However, to visualize a logical problem if dimod‘s EmbeddingComposite or derived classes are not used, you must supply the embedding.

Below are some options for providing problem data to the show() function, where response was returned for a problem defined directly on physical qubits and sampleset returned from a problem submitted using EmbeddingComposite:

show('69ace80c-d3b1-448a-a028-b51b94f4a49d')   # Using a SAPI problem ID
show((h, J), response)
show(Q, response)
show((h, J), response, dict(embedding=embedding, chain_strength=5))

show(bqm, sampleset)

To see detailed parameter information, see the relevant function below.

The show() function supports flow control for scripts with the block parameter. For example, the default setting of once (dwave.inspector.Block.ONCE) blocks until your problem is loaded from the inspector web server and forever blocks until you terminate with a Ctrl+C/SIGTERM.



class Block(value)[source]#

Flow-control settings for scripts.

An enum with values: NEVER, ONCE, FOREVER. The default setting of once (dwave.inspector.Block.ONCE) blocks until your problem is loaded from the inspector web server.


This example does not block while the problem is loaded.

>>>, block='never')   


show(*args, **kwargs)

Auto-detect and forward to the show_* optimal for the specified arguments.

show_bqm_response(bqm, embedding_context, ...)

Visualize a quantum machine instruction (QMI) response and binary quadratic model.

show_bqm_sampleset(bqm, sampleset, sampler)

Visualize a returned sampleset and binary quadratic model.

show_qmi(problem, response[, ...])

Visualize a quantum machine instruction (QMI).