Namespace find_embedding#

namespace find_embedding


using distance_t = long long int#
using RANDOM = fastrng#
using clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock#
template<typename P>
using min_queue = std::priority_queue<priority_node<P, min_heap_tag>>#
template<typename P>
using max_queue = std::priority_queue<priority_node<P, max_heap_tag>>#
using distance_queue = pairing_queue<priority_node<distance_t, min_heap_tag>>#
typedef shared_ptr<LocalInteraction> LocalInteractionPtr#




enumerator VARORDER_DFS
enumerator VARORDER_BFS
enumerator VARORDER_PFS
enumerator VARORDER_RPFS
enumerator VARORDER_KEEP


int findEmbedding(graph::input_graph &var_g, graph::input_graph &qubit_g, optional_parameters &params, vector<vector<int>> &chains)

The main entry function of this library.

This method primarily dispatches the proper implementation of the algorithm where some parameters/behaviours have been fixed at compile time.

In terms of dispatch, there are three dynamically-selected classes which are combined, each according to a specific optional parameter.

  • a domain_handler, described in embedding_problem.hpp, manages constraints of the form “variable a’s chain must be a subset of…”

  • a fixed_handler, described in embedding_problem.hpp, manages contstraints of the form “variable a’s chain must be exactly…”

  • a pathfinder, described in pathfinder.hpp, which come in two flavors, serial and parallel The optional parameters themselves can be found in util.hpp. Respectively, the controlling options for the above are restrict_chains, fixed_chains, and threads.

template<typename T>
void collectMinima(const vector<T> &input, vector<int> &output)#

Fill output with the index of all of the minimum and equal values in input.


constexpr distance_t max_distance = numeric_limits<distance_t>::max()#
struct frozen_chain
#include <chain.hpp>

This class stores chains for embeddings, and performs qubit-use accounting.

The label is the index number for the variable represented by this chain. The links member of a chain is an unordered map storing the linking information for this chain. The data member of a chain stores the connectivity information for the chain.

Links: If u and v are variables which are connected by an edge, the following must be true: either chain_u or chain_v is empty,


chain_u.links[v] is a key in, chain_v.links[u] is a key in, and (chain_u.links[v], chain_v.links[u]) are adjacent in the qubit graph

Moreover, (chain_u.links[u]) must exist if chain_u is not empty, and this is considered the root of the chain.

Data: The data member stores the connectivity information. More precisely, data is a mapping qubit->(parent, refs) where: parent is also contained in the chain refs is the total number of references to qubit, counting both parents and links the chain root is its own parent.

class chain
#include <chain.hpp>

Public Functions

inline chain(vector<int> &w, int l)

construct this chain, linking it to the qubit_weight vector w (common to all chains in an embedding, typically) and setting its variable label l

inline chain &operator=(const vector<int> &c)

assign this to a vector of ints.

each incoming qubit will have itself as a parent.

inline chain &operator=(const chain &c)

assign this to another chain

inline size_t size() const

number of qubits in chain

inline size_t count(const int q) const

returns 0 if q is not contained in this, 1 otherwise

inline int get_link(const int x) const

get the qubit, in this, which links this to the chain of x (if x==label, interpret the linking qubit as the chain’s root)

inline void set_link(const int x, const int q)

set the qubit, in this, which links this to the chain of x (if x==label, interpret the linking qubit as the chain’s root)

inline int drop_link(const int x)

discard and return the linking qubit for x, or -1 if that link is not set

inline void set_root(const int q)

insert the qubit q into this, and set q to be the root (represented as the linking qubit for label)

inline void clear()

empty this data structure

inline void add_leaf(const int q, const int parent)

add the qubit q as a leaf, with parent as its parent

inline int trim_branch(int q)

try to delete the qubit q from this chain, and keep deleting until no more qubits are free to be deleted.

return the first ancestor which cannot be deleted

inline int trim_leaf(int q)

try to delete the qubit q from this chain.

if q cannot be deleted, return it; otherwise return its parent

inline int parent(const int q) const

the parent of q in this chain &#8212; which might be q but otherwise cycles should be impossible

inline void adopt(const int p, const int q)

assign p to be the parent of q, on condition that both p and q are contained in this, q is its own parent, and q is not the root

inline int refcount(const int q) const

return the number of references that this makes to the qubit q &#8212; where a “reference” is an occurrence of q as a parent or an occurrence of q as a linking qubit / root

inline size_t freeze(vector<chain> &others, frozen_chain &keep)

store this chain into a frozen_chain, unlink all chains from this, and clear()

inline void thaw(vector<chain> &others, frozen_chain &keep)

restore a frozen_chain into this, re-establishing links from other chains.

precondition: this is empty.

template<typename embedding_problem_t>
inline void steal(chain &other, embedding_problem_t &ep, int chainsize = 0)

assumes this and other have links for eachother’s labels steals all qubits from other which are available to be taken by this; starting with the qubit links and updating qubit links after all

link this chain to another, following the path q, parent[q], parent[parent[q]], …

from this to other and intermediate nodes (all but the last) into this (preconditions: this and other are not linked, q is contained in this, and the parent-path is eventually contained in other)

inline iterator begin() const

iterator pointing to the first qubit in this chain

inline iterator end() const

iterator pointing to the end of this chain

inline void diagnostic()

run the diagnostic, and if it fails, report the failure to the user and throw a CorruptEmbeddingException.

the last_op argument is used in the error message

inline int run_diagnostic() const

run the diagnostic and return a nonzero status r in case of failure if(r&1), then the parent of a qubit is not contained in this chain if(r&2), then there is a refcounting error in this chain

class iterator
#include <chain.hpp>
template<typename embedding_problem_t>
class embedding
#include <embedding.hpp>

This class is how we represent and manipulate embedding objects, using as much encapsulation as possible.

We provide methods to view and modify chains.

Public Functions

inline embedding(embedding_problem_t &e_p)

constructor for an empty embedding

inline embedding(embedding_problem_t &e_p, map<int, vector<int>> &fixed_chains, map<int, vector<int>> &initial_chains)

constructor for an initial embedding: accepts fixed and initial chains, populates the embedding based on them, and attempts to link adjacent chains together.

inline embedding<embedding_problem_t> &operator=(const embedding<embedding_problem_t> &other)

copy the data from other.var_embedding into this.var_embedding

inline const chain &get_chain(int v) const

Get the variables in a chain.

inline unsigned int chainsize(int v) const

Get the size of a chain.

inline int weight(int q) const

Get the weight of a qubit.

inline int max_weight() const

Get the maximum of all qubit weights.

inline int max_weight(const int start, const int stop) const

Get the maximum of all qubit weights in a range.

inline bool has_qubit(const int v, const int q) const

Check if variable v is includes qubit q in its chain.

inline void set_chain(const int u, const vector<int> &incoming)

Assign a chain for variable u.

inline void fix_chain(const int u, const vector<int> &incoming)

Permanently assign a chain for variable u.

NOTE: This must be done before any chain is assigned to u.

inline bool operator==(const embedding &other) const

check if this and other have the same chains (up to qubit containment per chain; linking and parent information is not checked)

inline void construct_chain(const int u, const int q, const vector<vector<int>> &parents)

construct the chain for u, rooted at q, with a vector of parent info, where for each neibor v of u, following q -> parents[v][q] -> parents[v][parents[v][q]]

terminates in the chain for v

inline void construct_chain_steiner(const int u, const int q, const vector<vector<int>> &parents, const vector<vector<distance_t>> &distances, vector<vector<int>> &visited_list)

construct the chain for u, rooted at q.

for the first neighbor v of u, we follow the parents until we terminate in the chain for v q -> parents[v][q] -> …. adding all but the last node to the chain of u. for each subsequent neighbor w, we pick a nearest Steiner node, qw, from the current chain of u, and add the path starting at qw, similar to the above… qw -> parents[w][qw] -> … this has an opportunity to make shorter chains than construct_chain

inline void flip_back(int u, const int target_chainsize)

distribute path segments to the neighboring chains &#8212; path segments are the qubits that are ONLY used to join link_qubit[u][v] to link_qubit[u][u] and aren’t used for any other variable

  • if the target chainsize is zero, dump the entire segment into the neighbor

  • if the target chainsize is k, stop when the neighbor’s size reaches k

inline void tear_out(int u)

short tearout procedure blank out the chain, its linking qubits, and account for the qubits being freed

inline int freeze_out(int u)

undo-able tearout procedure.

similar to tear_out(u), but can be undone with thaw_back(u). note that this embedding type has a space for a single frozen chain, and freeze_out(u) overwrites the previously-frozen chain consequently, freeze_out(u) can be called an arbitrary (nonzero) number of times before thaw_back(u), but thaw_back(u) MUST be preceeded by at least one freeze_out(u). returns the size of the chain being frozen

inline void thaw_back(int u)

undo for the freeze_out procedure: replaces the chain previously frozen, and destroys the data in the frozen chain thaw_back(u) must be preceeded by at least one freeze_out(u) and the chain for u must currently be empty (accomplished either by tear_out(u) or freeze_out(u))

inline void steal_all(int u)

grow the chain for u, stealing all available qubits from neighboring variables

inline int statistics(vector<int> &stats) const

compute statistics for this embedding and return 1 if no chains are overlapping when no chains are overlapping, populate stats with a chainlength histogram chains do overlap, populate stats with a qubit overfill histogram a histogram, in this case, is a vector of size (maximum attained value+1) where stats[i] is either the number of qubits contained in i+2 chains or the number of chains with size i

inline bool linked() const

check if the embedding is fully linked &#8212; that is, if each pair of adjacent variables is known to correspond to a pair of adjacent qubits

inline bool linked(int u) const

check if a single variable is linked with all adjacent variables.

inline void print() const

print out this embedding to a level of detail that is useful for debugging purposes TODO describe the output format.

inline void long_diagnostic(std::string current_state)

run a long diagnostic, and if debugging is enabled, record current_state so that the error message has a little more context.

if an error is found, throw a CorruptEmbeddingException

inline void run_long_diagnostic(std::string current_state) const

run a long diagnostic to verify the integrity of this datastructure.

the guts of this function are its documentation, because this function only exists for debugging purposes

class domain_handler_universe
#include <embedding_problem.hpp>

this is the trivial domain handler, where every variable is allowed to use every qubit

class domain_handler_masked
#include <embedding_problem.hpp>

this domain handler stores masks for each variable so that prepare_visited and prepare_distances are barely more expensive than a memcopy

class fixed_handler_none
#include <embedding_problem.hpp>

This fixed handler is used when there are no fixed variables.

class fixed_handler_hival
#include <embedding_problem.hpp>

This fixed handler is used when the fixed variables are processed before instantiation and relabeled such that variables v >= num_v are fixed and qubits q >= num_q are reserved.

template<bool verbose>
class output_handler
#include <embedding_problem.hpp>

Output handlers are used to control output.

We provide two handlers &#8212; one which only reports all errors (and optimizes away all other output) and another which provides full output. When verbose is zero, we recommend the errors-only handler and otherwise, the full handler Here’s the full output handler

Subclassed by find_embedding::embedding_problem< fixed_handler, domain_handler, output_handler >

Public Functions

template<typename ...Args>
inline void error(const char *format, Args... args) const

printf regardless of the verbosity level

template<typename ...Args>
inline void major_info(const char *format, Args... args) const

printf at the major_info verbosity level

template<typename ...Args>
inline void minor_info(const char *format, Args... args) const

print at the minor_info verbosity level

template<typename ...Args>
inline void extra_info(const char *format, Args... args) const

print at the extra_info verbosity level

template<typename ...Args>
inline void debug(const char*, Args...) const

print at the debug verbosity level (only works when CPPDEBUG is set)

struct shuffle_first
#include <embedding_problem.hpp>
struct rndswap_first
#include <embedding_problem.hpp>
class embedding_problem_base
#include <embedding_problem.hpp>

Common form for all embedding problems.

Needs to be extended with a fixed handler and domain handler to be complete.

Subclassed by find_embedding::embedding_problem< fixed_handler, domain_handler, output_handler >

Public Functions

inline void reset_mood()

resets some internal, ephemeral, variables to a default state

inline void populate_weight_table(int max_weight)

precomputes a table of weights corresponding to various overlap values c, for c from 0 to max_weight, inclusive.

inline distance_t weight(unsigned int c) const

returns the precomputed weight associated with an overlap value of c

inline const vector<int> &var_neighbors(int u) const

a vector of neighbors for the variable u

inline const vector<int> &var_neighbors(int u, shuffle_first)

a vector of neighbors for the variable u, pre-shuffling them

inline const vector<int> &var_neighbors(int u, rndswap_first)

a vector of neighbors for the variable u, applying a random transposition before returning the reference

inline const vector<int> &qubit_neighbors(int q) const

a vector of neighbors for the qubit q

inline int num_vars() const

number of variables which are not fixed

inline int num_qubits() const

number of qubits which are not reserved

inline int num_fixed() const

number of fixed variables

inline int num_reserved() const

number of reserved qubits

inline int randint(int a, int b)

make a random integer between 0 and m-1

template<typename A, typename B>
inline void shuffle(A a, B b)

shuffle the data bracketed by iterators a and b

inline void qubit_component(int q0, vector<int> &component, vector<int> &visited)

compute the connected component of the subset component of qubits, containing q0, and usingvisited as an indicator for which qubits have been explored

inline const vector<int> &var_order(VARORDER order = VARORDER_SHUFFLE)

compute a variable ordering according to the order strategy

inline void dfs_component(int x, const vector<vector<int>> &neighbors, vector<int> &component, vector<int> &visited)

Perform a depth first search.

Public Members

optional_parameters &params

A mutable reference to the user specified parameters.

template<class fixed_handler, class domain_handler, class output_handler>
class embedding_problem : public find_embedding::embedding_problem_base, public fixed_handler, public domain_handler, public find_embedding::output_handler<verbose>
#include <embedding_problem.hpp>

A template to construct a complete embedding problem by combining embedding_problem_base with fixed/domain handlers.

class parameter_processor
#include <find_embedding.hpp>
template<bool parallel, bool fixed, bool restricted, bool verbose>
class pathfinder_type
#include <find_embedding.hpp>
class pathfinder_wrapper
#include <find_embedding.hpp>
class min_heap_tag
#include <pairing_queue.hpp>
class max_heap_tag
#include <pairing_queue.hpp>
template<typename P, typename heap_tag = min_heap_tag>
class priority_node
#include <pairing_queue.hpp>
template<typename N>
class pairing_node : public N
#include <pairing_queue.hpp>

Public Functions

inline pairing_node<N> *merge_roots(pairing_node<N> *other)

the basic operation of the pairing queue &#8212; put this and other into heap-order

template<typename N>
class pairing_queue
#include <pairing_queue.hpp>
template<typename embedding_problem_t>
class pathfinder_base : public find_embedding::pathfinder_public_interface
#include <pathfinder.hpp>

Subclassed by find_embedding::pathfinder_parallel< embedding_problem_t >, find_embedding::pathfinder_serial< embedding_problem_t >

Public Functions

inline virtual void set_initial_chains(map<int, vector<int>> chains) override

setter for the initial_chains parameter

inline bool check_improvement(const embedding_t &emb)

nonzero return if this is an improvement on our previous best embedding

inline virtual const chain &get_chain(int u) const override

chain accessor

inline virtual int heuristicEmbedding() override

perform the heuristic embedding, returning 1 if an embedding was found and 0 otherwise

template<typename embedding_problem_t>
class pathfinder_serial : public find_embedding::pathfinder_base<embedding_problem_t>
#include <pathfinder.hpp>

A pathfinder where the Dijkstra-from-neighboring-chain passes are done serially.

Public Functions

inline virtual void prepare_root_distances(const embedding_t &emb, const int u) override

compute the distances from all neighbors of u to all qubits

template<typename embedding_problem_t>
class pathfinder_parallel : public find_embedding::pathfinder_base<embedding_problem_t>
#include <pathfinder.hpp>

A pathfinder where the Dijkstra-from-neighboring-chain passes are done serially.

Public Functions

inline virtual void prepare_root_distances(const embedding_t &emb, const int u) override

compute the distances from all neighbors of u to all qubits

class pathfinder_public_interface
#include <pathfinder.hpp>

Subclassed by find_embedding::pathfinder_base< embedding_problem_t >

class ProblemCancelledException : public minorminer::MinorMinerException
#include <util.hpp>
class TimeoutException : public minorminer::MinorMinerException
#include <util.hpp>
class CorruptParametersException : public minorminer::MinorMinerException
#include <util.hpp>
class BadInitializationException : public minorminer::MinorMinerException
#include <util.hpp>
class CorruptEmbeddingException : public minorminer::MinorMinerException
#include <util.hpp>
class LocalInteraction
#include <util.hpp>

Interface for communication between the library and various bindings.

Any bindings of this library need to provide a concrete subclass.

Public Functions

inline void displayOutput(int loglevel, const string &msg) const

Print a message through the local output method.

inline void displayError(int loglevel, const string &msg) const

Print an error through the local output method.

inline int cancelled(const clock::time_point stoptime) const

Check if someone is trying to cancel the embedding process.

class optional_parameters
#include <util.hpp>

Set of parameters used to control the embedding process.

Public Functions

inline optional_parameters(optional_parameters &p, map<int, vector<int>> fixed_chains, map<int, vector<int>> initial_chains, map<int, vector<int>> restrict_chains)

duplicate all parameters but chain hints, and seed a new rng.

this vaguely peculiar behavior is utilized to spawn parameters for component subproblems

Public Members

LocalInteractionPtr localInteractionPtr

actually not controlled by user, not initialized here, but initialized in Python and C wrappers level

double timeout = 1000

Number of seconds before the process unconditionally stops.