Source code for tabu.sampler

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"""A dimod :term:`sampler` that uses the MST2 multistart tabu search algorithm."""

import numpy as np
import dimod

from tabu import TabuSearch

__all__ = ["TabuSampler"]

[docs]class TabuSampler(dimod.Sampler, dimod.Initialized): """A tabu-search sampler. Examples: This example solves a two-variable Ising model. >>> from tabu import TabuSampler >>> samples = TabuSampler().sample_ising({'a': -0.5, 'b': 1.0}, {'ab': -1}) >>> list( # doctest: +SKIP [Sample(sample={'a': -1, 'b': -1}, energy=-1.5, num_occurrences=1)] >>> -1.5 """ properties = None parameters = None def __init__(self): self.parameters = { 'initial_states': [], 'initial_states_generator': [], 'num_reads': [], 'seed': [], 'tenure': [], 'timeout': [], 'num_restarts': [], 'energy_threshold': [], } = {}
[docs] def sample(self, bqm, initial_states=None, initial_states_generator='random', num_reads=None, seed=None, tenure=None, timeout=20, num_restarts=1000000, energy_threshold=None, **kwargs): """Run a multistart tabu search on a given binary quadratic model. Args: bqm (:class:`~dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel`): The binary quadratic model (BQM) to be sampled. initial_states (:class:`~dimod.SampleSet`, optional, default=None): One or more samples, each defining an initial state for all the problem variables. Initial states are given one per read, but if fewer than `num_reads` initial states are defined, additional values are generated as specified by `initial_states_generator`. initial_states_generator (str, 'none'/'tile'/'random', optional, default='random'): Defines the expansion of `initial_states` if fewer than `num_reads` are specified: * "none": If the number of initial states specified is smaller than `num_reads`, raises ValueError. * "tile": Reuses the specified initial states if fewer than `num_reads` or truncates if greater. * "random": Expands the specified initial states with randomly generated states if fewer than `num_reads` or truncates if greater. num_reads (int, optional, default=len(initial_states) or 1): Number of reads. Each read is generated by one run of the tabu algorithm. If `num_reads` is not explicitly given, it is selected to match the number of initial states given. If initial states are not provided, only one read is performed. seed (int (32-bit unsigned integer), optional): Seed to use for the PRNG. If the `timeout` parameter is not None, results from the same seed may not be identical between runs due to finite clock resolution. tenure (int, optional): Tabu tenure, which is the length of the tabu list, or number of recently explored solutions kept in memory. Default is a quarter of the number of problem variables up to a maximum value of 20. timeout (int, optional, default=20): Total running time per read in milliseconds. num_restarts (int, optional, default=1,000,000): Number of tabu search restarts per read. energy_threshold (float, optional): Terminate when an energy lower than ``energy_threshold`` is found. Returns: :class:`~dimod.SampleSet`: A `dimod` :class:`.~dimod.SampleSet` object. Examples: This example samples a simple two-variable Ising model. >>> import dimod >>> bqm = dimod.BQM.from_ising({}, {'ab': 1}) >>> import tabu >>> sampler = tabu.TabuSampler() >>> samples = sampler.sample(bqm) >>> samples.record[0].energy -1.0 """ if not bqm: return dimod.SampleSet.from_samples([], energy=0, vartype=bqm.vartype) if tenure is None: tenure = min(20, len(bqm) // 4) elif not isinstance(tenure, int): raise TypeError("'tenure' should be an integer in range [0, num_vars - 1]") elif not 0 <= tenure < len(bqm): raise ValueError("'tenure' should be an integer in range [0, num_vars - 1]") # Get initial_states in binary form parsed = self.parse_initial_states(bqm.binary, initial_states=initial_states, initial_states_generator=initial_states_generator, num_reads=num_reads, seed=seed) parsed_initial_states = np.ascontiguousarray(parsed.initial_states.record.sample) qubo, varorder = self._bqm_to_tabu_qubo(bqm.binary) if timeout is None: timeout = -1 # Using negative timeout to mean ignore timeout parameter # run Tabu search samples = np.empty((parsed.num_reads, len(bqm)), dtype=np.int8) rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) restarts = [] for ni, initial_state in enumerate(parsed_initial_states): seed_per_read = rng.integers(2**32, dtype=np.uint32) r = TabuSearch(qubo, initial_state, tenure, timeout, num_restarts, seed_per_read, energy_threshold) samples[ni, :] = r.bestSolution() restarts.append(r.numRestarts()) # we received samples in binary form, so convert if needed if bqm.vartype is dimod.SPIN: samples *= 2 samples -= 1 elif bqm.vartype is not dimod.BINARY: # sanity check raise ValueError("unknown vartype") return dimod.SampleSet.from_samples_bqm((samples, varorder), bqm=bqm, num_restarts=restarts)
@staticmethod def _bqm_to_tabu_qubo(bqm): # construct dense matrix representation ldata, (irow, icol, qdata), offset, varorder = bqm.binary.to_numpy_vectors(return_labels=True) ud = np.zeros((len(bqm), len(bqm)), dtype=np.double) ud[np.diag_indices(len(bqm), 2)] = ldata ud[irow, icol] = qdata # Note: normally, conversion would be: `ud + ud.T - np.diag(np.diag(ud))`, # but the Tabu solver we're using requires slightly different qubo matrix. ud *= .5 symm = ud + ud.T return symm, varorder