# Copyright 2018 D-Wave Systems Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ================================================================================================
import collections.abc as abc
except ImportError:
import collections as abc
import dwave_networkx as dnx
import networkx as nx
from minorminer.utils.polynomialembedder import processor
__all__ = ['find_clique_embedding',
def find_clique_embedding(k, m, n=None, t=None, target_edges=None):
"""Find an embedding for a clique in a Chimera graph.
Given the node labels or size of a clique (fully connected graph) and size or
edges of the target :term:`Chimera` graph, attempts to find an embedding.
k (int/iterable):
Clique to embed. If k is an integer, generates an embedding for a
clique of size k labelled [0,k-1]. If k is an iterable of nodes,
generates an embedding for a clique of size len(k) labelled
for the given nodes.
m (int):
Number of rows in the Chimera lattice.
n (int, optional, default=m):
Number of columns in the Chimera lattice.
t (int, optional, default 4):
Size of the shore within each Chimera tile.
target_edges (iterable[edge]):
A list of edges in the target Chimera graph. Nodes are labelled as
returned by :func:`~dwave_networkx.chimera_graph`.
dict: An embedding mapping a clique to the Chimera lattice.
The first example finds an embedding for a :math:`K_4` complete graph in a single
Chimera unit cell. The second for an alphanumerically labeled :math:`K_3`
graph in 4 unit cells.
>>> from dwave.embedding.chimera import find_clique_embedding
>>> embedding = find_clique_embedding(4, 1, 1)
>>> embedding # doctest: +SKIP
{0: [4, 0], 1: [5, 1], 2: [6, 2], 3: [7, 3]}
>>> from dwave.embedding.chimera import find_clique_embedding
>>> embedding = find_clique_embedding(['a', 'b', 'c'], m=2, n=2, t=4)
>>> embedding # doctest: +SKIP
{'a': [20, 16], 'b': [21, 17], 'c': [22, 18]}
import random
_, nodes = k
m, n, t, target_edges = _chimera_input(m, n, t, target_edges)
# Special cases to return optimal embeddings for small k. The general clique embedder uses chains of length
# at least 2, whereas cliques of size 1 and 2 can be embedded with single-qubit chains.
if len(nodes) == 1:
# If k == 1 we simply return a single chain consisting of a randomly sampled qubit.
qubits = set().union(*target_edges)
qubit = random.choice(tuple(qubits))
embedding = [[qubit]]
elif len(nodes) == 2:
# If k == 2 we simply return two one-qubit chains that are the endpoints of a randomly sampled coupler.
if not isinstance(target_edges, abc.Sequence):
target_edges = list(target_edges)
edge = random.choice(target_edges)
embedding = [[edge[0]], [edge[1]]]
# General case for k > 2.
embedding = processor(target_edges, M=m, N=n, L=t).tightestNativeClique(len(nodes))
if not embedding:
raise ValueError("cannot find a K{} embedding for given Chimera lattice".format(len(nodes)))
return dict(zip(nodes, embedding))
def find_biclique_embedding(a, b, m, n=None, t=None, target_edges=None):
"""Find an embedding for a biclique in a Chimera graph.
Given a biclique (a bipartite graph where every vertex in a set in connected
to all vertices in the other set) and a target :term:`Chimera` graph size or
edges, attempts to find an embedding.
a (int/iterable):
Left shore of the biclique to embed. If a is an integer, generates
an embedding for a biclique with the left shore of size a labelled
[0,a-1]. If a is an iterable of nodes, generates an embedding for a
biclique with the left shore of size len(a) labelled for the given
b (int/iterable):
Right shore of the biclique to embed.If b is an integer, generates
an embedding for a biclique with the right shore of size b labelled
[0,b-1]. If b is an iterable of nodes, generates an embedding for a
biclique with the right shore of size len(b) labelled for the given
m (int):
Number of rows in the Chimera lattice.
n (int, optional, default=m):
Number of columns in the Chimera lattice.
t (int, optional, default 4):
Size of the shore within each Chimera tile.
target_edges (iterable[edge]):
A list of edges in the target Chimera graph. Nodes are labelled as
returned by :func:`~dwave_networkx.chimera_graph`.
tuple: A 2-tuple containing:
dict: An embedding mapping the left shore of the biclique to
the Chimera lattice.
dict: An embedding mapping the right shore of the biclique to
the Chimera lattice.
This example finds an embedding for an alphanumerically labeled biclique in a single
Chimera unit cell.
>>> from dwave.embedding.chimera import find_biclique_embedding
>>> left, right = find_biclique_embedding(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e'], 1, 1)
>>> print(left, right) # doctest: +SKIP
{'a': [4], 'b': [5], 'c': [6]} {'d': [0], 'e': [1]}
_, anodes = a
_, bnodes = b
m, n, t, target_edges = _chimera_input(m, n, t, target_edges)
embedding = processor(target_edges, M=m, N=n, L=t).tightestNativeBiClique(len(anodes), len(bnodes))
if not embedding:
raise ValueError("cannot find a K{},{} embedding for given Chimera lattice".format(a, b))
left, right = embedding
return dict(zip(anodes, left)), dict(zip(bnodes, right))
[docs]def find_grid_embedding(dim, m, n=None, t=4):
"""Find an embedding for a grid in a Chimera graph.
Given grid dimensions and a target :term:`Chimera` graph size,
attempts to find an embedding.
dim (iterable[int]):
Sizes of each grid dimension. Length can be between 1 and 3.
m (int):
Number of rows in the Chimera lattice.
n (int, optional, default=m):
Number of columns in the Chimera lattice.
t (int, optional, default 4):
Size of the shore within each Chimera tile.
dict: An embedding mapping a grid to the Chimera lattice.
This example finds an embedding for a 2x3 grid in a 12x12 lattice of Chimera unit cells.
>>> from dwave.embedding.chimera import find_grid_embedding
>>> embedding = find_grid_embedding([2, 3], m=12, n=12, t=4)
>>> embedding # doctest: +SKIP
{(0, 0): [0, 4],
(0, 1): [8, 12],
(0, 2): [16, 20],
(1, 0): [96, 100],
(1, 1): [104, 108],
(1, 2): [112, 116]}
m, n, t, target_edges = _chimera_input(m, n, t, None)
indexer = dnx.generators.chimera.chimera_coordinates(m, n, t)
dim = list(dim)
num_dim = len(dim)
if num_dim == 1:
def _key(row, col, aisle): return row
dim.extend([1, 1])
elif num_dim == 2:
def _key(row, col, aisle): return row, col
elif num_dim == 3:
def _key(row, col, aisle): return row, col, aisle
raise ValueError("find_grid_embedding supports between one and three dimensions")
rows, cols, aisles = dim
if rows > m or cols > n or aisles > t:
msg = ("the largest grid that find_grid_embedding can fit in a ({}, {}, {}) Chimera-lattice "
"is {}x{}x{}; given grid is {}x{}x{}").format(m, n, t, m, n, t, rows, cols, aisles)
raise ValueError(msg)
return {_key(row, col, aisle): [indexer.chimera_to_linear((row, col, 0, aisle)),
indexer.chimera_to_linear((row, col, 1, aisle))]
for row in range(dim[0]) for col in range(dim[1]) for aisle in range(dim[2])}
def _chimera_input(m, n=None, t=None, target_edges=None):
if not isinstance(m, int):
raise TypeError('Chimera lattice parameter m must be an int and >= 1')
if m <= 0:
raise ValueError('Chimera lattice parameter m must be an int and >= 1')
if n is None:
n = m
if not isinstance(n, int):
raise TypeError('Chimera lattice parameter n must be an int and >= 1')
if n <= 0:
raise ValueError('Chimera lattice parameter n must be an int and >= 1')
if t is None:
t = 4
if not isinstance(t, int):
raise TypeError('Chimera lattice parameter t must be an int and >= 1')
if t <= 0:
raise ValueError('Chimera lattice parameter t must be an int and >= 1')
if target_edges is None:
target_edges = dnx.chimera_graph(m, n, t).edges
return m, n, t, target_edges