Source code for dwave.system.samplers.dwave_sampler

# Copyright 2018 D-Wave Systems Inc.
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A :std:doc:`dimod sampler <oceandocs:docs_dimod/reference/samplers>` for the D-Wave system.

See :std:doc:`Ocean Glossary <oceandocs:glossary>`
for explanations of technical terms in descriptions of Ocean tools.

import time
import functools
import as abc

from warnings import warn

import dimod

from dimod.exceptions import BinaryQuadraticModelStructureError
from import Client
from import (
    SolverOfflineError, SolverNotFoundError, ProblemStructureError)

from dwave.system.warnings import WarningHandler, WarningAction

import dwave_networkx as dnx

__all__ = ['DWaveSampler']

def _failover(f):
    """Decorator for methods that might raise SolverOfflineError. Assumes that
    the method is on a class with a `trigger_failover` method and a truthy
    `failover` attribute.
    def wrapper(sampler, *args, **kwargs):
        while True:
                return f(sampler, *args, **kwargs)
            except SolverOfflineError as err:
                if not sampler.failover:
                    raise err

            except SolverNotFoundError as err:
                if sampler.retry_interval < 0:
                    raise err


    return wrapper

[docs]class DWaveSampler(dimod.Sampler, dimod.Structured): """A class for using the D-Wave system as a sampler for binary quadratic models. You can configure your :term:`solver` selection and usage by setting parameters, hierarchically, in a configuration file, as environment variables, or explicitly as input arguments. For more information, see `D-Wave Cloud Client <>`_ :meth:``. By default, online D-Wave systems are returned ordered by highest number of qubits. Inherits from :class:`dimod.Sampler` and :class:`dimod.Structured`. Args: failover (bool, optional, default=False): Switch to a new QPU in the rare event that the currently connected system goes offline. Note that different QPUs may have different hardware graphs and a failover will result in a regenerated :attr:`.nodelist`, :attr:`.edgelist`, :attr:`.properties` and :attr:`.parameters`. retry_interval (number, optional, default=-1): The amount of time (in seconds) to wait to poll for a solver in the case that no solver is found. If `retry_interval` is negative then it will instead propogate the `SolverNotFoundError` to the user. **config: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:``. Note: Prior to version 1.0.0, :class:`.DWaveSampler` used the ``base`` client, allowing non-QPU solvers to be selected. To reproduce the old behavior, instantiate :class:`.DWaveSampler` with ``client='base'``. Examples: This example submits a two-variable Ising problem mapped directly to two adjacent qubits on a D-Wave system. ``qubit_a`` is the first qubit in the QPU's indexed list of qubits and ``qubit_b`` is one of the qubits coupled to it. Other required parameters for communication with the system, such as its URL and an autentication token, are implicitly set in a configuration file or as environment variables, as described in `Configuring Access to D-Wave Solvers <>`_. Given sufficient reads (here 100), the quantum computer should return the best solution, :math:`{1, -1}` on ``qubit_a`` and ``qubit_b``, respectively, as its first sample (samples are ordered from lowest energy). >>> from dwave.system import DWaveSampler ... >>> sampler = DWaveSampler() ... >>> qubit_a = sampler.nodelist[0] >>> qubit_b = next(iter(sampler.adjacency[qubit_a])) >>> sampleset = sampler.sample_ising({qubit_a: -1, qubit_b: 1}, ... {}, ... num_reads=100) >>> sampleset.first.sample[qubit_a] == 1 and sampleset.first.sample[qubit_b] == -1 True See `Ocean Glossary <>`_ for explanations of technical terms in descriptions of Ocean tools. """ def __init__(self, failover=False, retry_interval=-1, **config): # strongly prefer QPU solvers; requires kwarg-level override config.setdefault('client', 'qpu') # weakly prefer QPU solver with the highest qubit count, # easily overridden on any config level above defaults (file/env/kwarg) defaults = config.setdefault('defaults', {}) if not isinstance(defaults, abc.Mapping): raise TypeError("mapping expected for 'defaults'") defaults.update(solver=dict(order_by='-num_active_qubits')) self.client = Client.from_config(**config) self.solver = self.client.get_solver() self.failover = failover self.retry_interval = retry_interval warnings_default = WarningAction.IGNORE """Defines the default behavior for :meth:`.sample_ising`'s and :meth:`sample_qubo`'s `warnings` kwarg. """ @property def properties(self): """dict: D-Wave solver properties as returned by a SAPI query. Solver properties are dependent on the selected D-Wave solver and subject to change; for example, new released features may add properties. `D-Wave System Documentation <>`_ describes the parameters and properties supported on the D-Wave system. Examples: >>> from dwave.system import DWaveSampler >>> sampler = DWaveSampler() >>> # doctest: +SKIP {'anneal_offset_ranges': [[-0.2197463755538704, 0.03821687759418928], [-0.2242514597680286, 0.01718456460967399], [-0.20860153999435985, 0.05511969218508182], # Snipped above response for brevity See `Ocean Glossary <>`_ for explanations of technical terms in descriptions of Ocean tools. """ try: return self._properties except AttributeError: self._properties = properties = return properties @property def parameters(self): """dict[str, list]: D-Wave solver parameters in the form of a dict, where keys are keyword parameters accepted by a SAPI query and values are lists of properties in :attr:`.properties` for each key. Solver parameters are dependent on the selected D-Wave solver and subject to change; for example, new released features may add parameters. `D-Wave System Documentation <>`_ describes the parameters and properties supported on the D-Wave system. Examples: >>> from dwave.system import DWaveSampler >>> sampler = DWaveSampler() >>> sampler.parameters # doctest: +SKIP {'anneal_offsets': ['parameters'], 'anneal_schedule': ['parameters'], 'annealing_time': ['parameters'], 'answer_mode': ['parameters'], 'auto_scale': ['parameters'], # Snipped above response for brevity See `Ocean Glossary <>`_ for explanations of technical terms in descriptions of Ocean tools. """ try: return self._parameters except AttributeError: parameters = {param: ['parameters'] for param in['parameters']} parameters.update(warnings=[]) parameters.update(label=[]) self._parameters = parameters return parameters @property def edgelist(self): """list: List of active couplers for the D-Wave solver. Examples: Coupler list for one D-Wave 2000Q system (output snipped for brevity). >>> from dwave.system import DWaveSampler >>> sampler = DWaveSampler() >>> sampler.edgelist [(0, 4), (0, 5), (0, 6), (0, 7), ... See `Ocean Glossary <>`_ for explanations of technical terms in descriptions of Ocean tools. """ # Assumption: cloud client nodes are always integer-labelled try: edgelist = self._edgelist except AttributeError: self._edgelist = edgelist = sorted(set((u, v) if u < v else (v, u) for u, v in self.solver.edges)) return edgelist @property def nodelist(self): """list: List of active qubits for the D-Wave solver. Examples: Node list for one D-Wave 2000Q system (output snipped for brevity). >>> from dwave.system import DWaveSampler >>> sampler = DWaveSampler() >>> sampler.nodelist [0, 1, 2, ... See `Ocean Glossary <>`_ for explanations of technical terms in descriptions of Ocean tools. """ # Assumption: cloud client nodes are always integer-labelled try: nodelist = self._nodelist except AttributeError: self._nodelist = nodelist = sorted(self.solver.nodes) return nodelist def trigger_failover(self): """Trigger a failover and connect to a new solver.""" # the requested features are saved on the client object, so # we just need to request a new solver self.solver = self.client.get_solver() # delete the lazily-constructed attributes try: del self._edgelist except AttributeError: pass try: del self._nodelist except AttributeError: pass try: del self._parameters except AttributeError: pass try: del self._properties except AttributeError: pass
[docs] @_failover def sample(self, bqm, warnings=None, **kwargs): """Sample from the specified binary quadratic model. Args: bqm (:class:`~dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel`): The binary quadratic model. Must match :attr:`.nodelist` and :attr:`.edgelist`. warnings (:class:`~dwave.system.warnings.WarningAction`, optional): Defines what warning action to take, if any. See :ref:`warnings_system`. The default behaviour is to ignore warnings. **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for the sampling method, specified per solver in :attr:`.parameters`. D-Wave System Documentation's `solver guide <>`_ describes the parameters and properties supported on the D-Wave system. Returns: :class:`~dimod.SampleSet`: Sample set constructed from a (non-blocking) :class:`~concurrent.futures.Future`-like object. In it this sampler also provides timing information in the `info` field as described in the D-Wave System Documentation's :ref:`sysdocs_gettingstarted:qpu_sapi_qpu_timing`. Examples: This example submits a two-variable Ising problem mapped directly to two adjacent qubits on a D-Wave system. ``qubit_a`` is the first qubit in the QPU's indexed list of qubits and ``qubit_b`` is one of the qubits coupled to it. Given sufficient reads (here 100), the quantum computer should return the best solution, :math:`{1, -1}` on ``qubit_a`` and ``qubit_b``, respectively, as its first sample (samples are ordered from lowest energy). >>> from dwave.system import DWaveSampler ... >>> sampler = DWaveSampler() ... >>> qubit_a = sampler.nodelist[0] >>> qubit_b = next(iter(sampler.adjacency[qubit_a])) >>> sampleset = sampler.sample_ising({qubit_a: -1, qubit_b: 1}, ... {}, ... num_reads=100) >>> sampleset.first.sample[qubit_a] == 1 and sampleset.first.sample[qubit_b] == -1 True See `Ocean Glossary <>`_ for explanations of technical terms in descriptions of Ocean tools. """ solver = self.solver try: future = solver.sample_bqm(bqm, **kwargs) except ProblemStructureError as exc: msg = ("Problem graph incompatible with solver. Please use 'EmbeddingComposite' " "to map the problem graph to the solver.") raise BinaryQuadraticModelStructureError(msg) from exc if warnings is None: warnings = self.warnings_default warninghandler = WarningHandler(warnings) warninghandler.energy_scale(bqm) # need a hook so that we can check the sampleset (lazily) for # warnings def _hook(computation): sampleset = computation.sampleset if warninghandler is not None: warninghandler.too_few_samples(sampleset) if warninghandler.action is WarningAction.SAVE:['warnings'] = warninghandler.saved return sampleset return dimod.SampleSet.from_future(future, _hook)
[docs] def sample_ising(self, h, *args, **kwargs): # to be consistent with the cloud-client, we ignore the 0 biases # on missing nodes for lists if isinstance(h, list): if len(h) > self.solver.num_qubits: msg = ("Problem graph incompatible with solver. Please use 'EmbeddingComposite' " "to map the problem graph to the solver.") raise BinaryQuadraticModelStructureError(msg) nodes = self.solver.nodes h = dict((v, b) for v, b in enumerate(h) if b and v in nodes) return super().sample_ising(h, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def validate_anneal_schedule(self, anneal_schedule): """Raise an exception if the specified schedule is invalid for the sampler. Args: anneal_schedule (list): An anneal schedule variation is defined by a series of pairs of floating-point numbers identifying points in the schedule at which to change slope. The first element in the pair is time t in microseconds; the second, normalized persistent current s in the range [0,1]. The resulting schedule is the piecewise-linear curve that connects the provided points. Raises: ValueError: If the schedule violates any of the conditions listed below. RuntimeError: If the sampler does not accept the `anneal_schedule` parameter or if it does not have `annealing_time_range` or `max_anneal_schedule_points` properties. As described in `D-Wave System Documentation <>`_, an anneal schedule must satisfy the following conditions: * Time t must increase for all points in the schedule. * For forward annealing, the first point must be (0,0) and the anneal fraction s must increase monotonically. * For reverse annealing, the anneal fraction s must start and end at s=1. * In the final point, anneal fraction s must equal 1 and time t must not exceed the maximum value in the `annealing_time_range` property. * The number of points must be >=2. * The upper bound is system-dependent; check the `max_anneal_schedule_points` property. For reverse annealing, the maximum number of points allowed is one more than the number given by this property. Examples: This example sets a quench schedule on a D-Wave system. >>> from dwave.system import DWaveSampler >>> sampler = DWaveSampler() >>> quench_schedule=[[0.0, 0.0], [12.0, 0.6], [12.8, 1.0]] >>> DWaveSampler().validate_anneal_schedule(quench_schedule) # doctest: +SKIP >>> """ if 'anneal_schedule' not in self.parameters: raise RuntimeError("anneal_schedule is not an accepted parameter for this sampler") properties = try: min_anneal_time, max_anneal_time = properties['annealing_time_range'] max_anneal_schedule_points = properties['max_anneal_schedule_points'] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("annealing_time_range and max_anneal_schedule_points are not properties of this solver") # The number of points must be >= 2. # The upper bound is system-dependent; check the max_anneal_schedule_points property if not isinstance(anneal_schedule, list): raise TypeError("anneal_schedule should be a list") elif len(anneal_schedule) < 2 or len(anneal_schedule) > max_anneal_schedule_points: msg = ("anneal_schedule must contain between 2 and {} points (contains {})" ).format(max_anneal_schedule_points, len(anneal_schedule)) raise ValueError(msg) try: t_list, s_list = zip(*anneal_schedule) except ValueError: raise ValueError("anneal_schedule should be a list of 2-tuples") # Time t must increase for all points in the schedule. if not all(tail_t < lead_t for tail_t, lead_t in zip(t_list, t_list[1:])): raise ValueError("Time t must increase for all points in the schedule") # max t cannot exceed max_anneal_time if t_list[-1] > max_anneal_time: raise ValueError("schedule cannot be longer than the maximum anneal time of {}".format(max_anneal_time)) start_s, end_s = s_list[0], s_list[-1] if end_s != 1: raise ValueError("In the final point, anneal fraction s must equal 1.") if start_s == 1: # reverse annealing pass elif start_s == 0: # forward annealing, s must monotonically increase. if not all(tail_s <= lead_s for tail_s, lead_s in zip(s_list, s_list[1:])): raise ValueError("For forward anneals, anneal fraction s must monotonically increase") else: msg = ("In the first point, anneal fraction s must equal 0 for forward annealing or " "1 for reverse annealing") raise ValueError(msg) # finally check the slope abs(slope) < 1/min_anneal_time max_slope = 1.0 / min_anneal_time for (t0, s0), (t1, s1) in zip(anneal_schedule, anneal_schedule[1:]): if round(abs((s0 - s1) / (t0 - t1)),10) > max_slope: raise ValueError("the maximum slope cannot exceed {}".format(max_slope))
[docs] def to_networkx_graph(self): """Converts DWaveSampler's structure to a Chimera or Pegasus NetworkX graph. Returns: :class:`networkx.Graph`: Either an (m, n, t) Chimera lattice or a Pegasus lattice of size m. Examples: This example converts a selected D-Wave system solver to a graph and verifies it has over 2000 nodes. >>> from dwave.system import DWaveSampler ... >>> sampler = DWaveSampler() >>> g = sampler.to_networkx_graph() # doctest: +SKIP >>> len(g.nodes) > 2000 # doctest: +SKIP True """ topology_type =['topology']['type'] shape =['topology']['shape'] if topology_type == 'chimera': G = dnx.chimera_graph(*shape, node_list=self.nodelist, edge_list=self.edgelist) elif topology_type == 'pegasus': G = dnx.pegasus_graph(shape[0], node_list=self.nodelist, edge_list=self.edgelist) return G