Source code for dwave.embedding.chain_breaks

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"""Unembedding samples with broken chains."""

from collections import Callable
from heapq import heapify, heappop

import numpy as np

import dimod

__all__ = ['broken_chains',

def broken_chains(samples, chains):
    """Find the broken chains.

        samples (array_like):
            Samples as a nS x nV array_like object where nS is the number of samples and nV is the
            number of variables. The values should all be 0/1 or -1/+1.

        chains (list[array_like]):
            List of chains of length nC where nC is the number of chains.
            Each chain should be an array_like collection of column indices in samples.

        :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: A nS x nC boolean array. If i, j is True, then chain j in sample i is

        >>> samples = np.array([[-1, +1, -1, +1], [-1, -1, +1, +1]], dtype=np.int8)
        >>> chains = [[0, 1], [2, 3]]
        >>> dwave.embedding.broken_chains(samples, chains)
        array([[True, True],
               [ False,  False]])

        >>> samples = np.array([[-1, +1, -1, +1], [-1, -1, +1, +1]], dtype=np.int8)
        >>> chains = [[0, 2], [1, 3]]
        >>> dwave.embedding.broken_chains(samples, chains)
        array([[False, False],
               [ True,  True]])

    samples, labels = dimod.as_samples(samples)

    if labels != range(len(labels)):
        relabel = {v: idx for idx, v in enumerate(labels)}
        chains = [[relabel[v] for v in chain] for chain in chains]
        chains = list(map(list, chains))  # because we use them for indexing

    num_samples, num_variables = samples.shape
    num_chains = len(chains)

    broken = np.zeros((num_samples, num_chains), dtype=bool, order='F')

    for cidx, chain in enumerate(chains):
        if isinstance(chain, set):
            chain = list(chain)
        chain = np.asarray(chain)

        if chain.ndim > 1:
            raise ValueError("chains should be 1D array_like objects")

        # chains of length 1, or 0 cannot be broken
        if len(chain) <= 1:

        all_ = (samples[:, chain] == 1).all(axis=1)
        any_ = (samples[:, chain] == 1).any(axis=1)
        broken[:, cidx] = np.bitwise_xor(all_, any_)

    return broken

[docs]def discard(samples, chains): """Discard broken chains. Args: samples (samples_like): A collection of samples. `samples_like` is an extension of NumPy's array_like. See :func:`dimod.as_samples`. chains (list[array_like]): List of chains, where each chain is an array_like collection of the variables in the same order as their represention in the given samples. Returns: tuple: A 2-tuple containing: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Unembedded samples as an array of dtype 'int8'. Broken chains are discarded. :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Indicies of rows with unbroken chains. Examples: This example unembeds two samples that chains nodes 0 and 1 to represent a single source node. The first sample has an unbroken chain, the second a broken chain. >>> import dimod >>> import numpy as np ... >>> chains = [(0, 1), (2,)] >>> samples = np.array([[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]], dtype=np.int8) >>> unembedded, idx = dwave.embedding.discard(samples, chains) >>> unembedded array([[1, 0]], dtype=int8) >>> print(idx) [0] """ samples, labels = dimod.as_samples(samples) if labels != range(len(labels)): relabel = {v: idx for idx, v in enumerate(labels)} chains = [[relabel[v] for v in chain] for chain in chains] else: chains = list(map(list, chains)) # because we use them for indexing num_samples, num_variables = samples.shape num_chains = len(chains) broken = broken_chains(samples, chains) unbroken_idxs, = np.where(~broken.any(axis=1)) chain_variables = np.fromiter((np.asarray(tuple(chain))[0] if isinstance(chain, set) else np.asarray(chain)[0] for chain in chains), count=num_chains, dtype=int) return samples[np.ix_(unbroken_idxs, chain_variables)], unbroken_idxs
[docs]def majority_vote(samples, chains): """Unembed samples using the most common value for broken chains. Args: samples (samples_like): A collection of samples. `samples_like` is an extension of NumPy's array_like. See :func:`dimod.as_samples`. chains (list[array_like]): List of chains, where each chain is an array_like collection of the variables in the same order as their represention in the given samples. Returns: tuple: A 2-tuple containing: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Unembedded samples as an nS-by-nC array of dtype 'int8', where nC is the number of chains and nS the number of samples. Broken chains are resolved by setting the sample value to that of most the chain's elements or, for chains without a majority, an arbitrary value. :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Indicies of the samples. Equivalent to :code:`np.arange(nS)` because all samples are kept and none added. Examples: This example unembeds samples from a target graph that chains nodes 0 and 1 to represent one source node and nodes 2, 3, and 4 to represent another. Both samples have one broken chain, with different majority values. >>> import dimod >>> import numpy as np ... >>> chains = [(0, 1), (2, 3, 4)] >>> samples = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0, 1]], dtype=np.int8) >>> unembedded, idx = dwave.embedding.majority_vote(samples, chains) >>> print(unembedded) [[1 0] [1 1]] >>> print(idx) [0 1] """ samples, labels = dimod.as_samples(samples) if labels != range(len(labels)): relabel = {v: idx for idx, v in enumerate(labels)} chains = [[relabel[v] for v in chain] for chain in chains] else: chains = list(map(list, chains)) # because we use them for indexing num_samples, num_variables = samples.shape num_chains = len(chains) unembedded = np.empty((num_samples, num_chains), dtype='int8', order='F') # determine if spin or binary. If samples are all 1, then either method works, so we use spin # because it is faster if samples.all(): # spin-valued for cidx, chain in enumerate(chains): # we just need the sign for spin. We don't use np.sign because in that can return 0 # and fixing the 0s is slow. unembedded[:, cidx] = 2*(samples[:, chain].sum(axis=1) >= 0) - 1 else: # binary-valued for cidx, chain in enumerate(chains): mid = len(chain) / 2 unembedded[:, cidx] = (samples[:, chain].sum(axis=1) >= mid) return unembedded, np.arange(num_samples) # we keep all of the samples in this case
[docs]def weighted_random(samples, chains): """Unembed samples using weighed random choice for broken chains. Args: samples (samples_like): A collection of samples. `samples_like` is an extension of NumPy's array_like. See :func:`dimod.as_samples`. chains (list[array_like]): List of chains, where each chain is an array_like collection of the variables in the same order as their represention in the given samples. Returns: tuple: A 2-tuple containing: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Unembedded samples as an nS-by-nC array of dtype 'int8', where nC is the number of chains and nS the number of samples. Broken chains are resolved by setting the sample value to a random value weighted by frequency of the value in the chain. :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Indicies of the samples. Equivalent to :code:`np.arange(nS)` because all samples are kept and no samples are added. Examples: This example unembeds samples from a target graph that chains nodes 0 and 1 to represent one source node and nodes 2, 3, and 4 to represent another. The sample has broken chains for both source nodes. >>> import dimod >>> import numpy as np ... >>> chains = [(0, 1), (2, 3, 4)] >>> samples = np.array([[1, 0, 1, 0, 1]], dtype=np.int8) >>> unembedded, idx = dwave.embedding.weighted_random(samples, chains) # doctest: +SKIP >>> unembedded # doctest: +SKIP array([[1, 1]], dtype=int8) >>> idx # doctest: +SKIP array([0, 1]) """ samples, labels = dimod.as_samples(samples) if labels != range(len(labels)): relabel = {v: idx for idx, v in enumerate(labels)} chains = [[relabel[v] for v in chain] for chain in chains] else: chains = list(map(list, chains)) # because we use them for indexing # it sufficies to choose a random index from each chain and use that to construct the matrix idx = [np.random.choice(chain) for chain in chains] num_samples, num_variables = samples.shape return samples[:, idx], np.arange(num_samples) # we keep all of the samples in this case
[docs]class MinimizeEnergy(Callable): """Unembed samples by minimizing local energy for broken chains. Args: bqm (:class:`~dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel`). Binary quadratic model associated with the source graph. embedding (dict): Mapping from source graph to target graph as a dict of form {s: [t, ...], ...}, where s is a source-model variable and t is a target-model variable. Examples: This example embeds from a triangular graph to a square graph, chaining target-nodes 2 and 3 to represent source-node c, and unembeds minimizing the energy for the samples. The first two sample have unbroken chains, the second two have broken chains. >>> import dimod >>> import numpy as np ... >>> h = {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0} >>> J = {('a', 'b'): 1, ('b', 'c'): 1, ('a', 'c'): 1} >>> bqm = dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel.from_ising(h, J) >>> embedding = {'a': [0], 'b': [1], 'c': [2, 3]} >>> cbm = dwave.embedding.MinimizeEnergy(bqm, embedding) >>> samples = np.array([[+1, -1, +1, +1], ... [-1, -1, -1, -1], ... [-1, -1, +1, -1], ... [+1, +1, -1, +1]], dtype=np.int8) >>> chains = [embedding['a'], embedding['b'], embedding['c']] >>> unembedded, idx = cbm(samples, chains) >>> unembedded array([[ 1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, 1], [ 1, 1, -1]], dtype=int8) >>> idx array([0, 1, 2, 3]) """
[docs] def __init__(self, bqm, embedding): # this is an awkward construction but we need it to maintain consistency with the other # chain break methods self.chain_to_var = {frozenset(chain): v for v, chain in embedding.items()} self.bqm = bqm
def __call__(self, samples, chains): """ Args: samples (samples_like): A collection of samples. `samples_like` is an extension of NumPy's array_like. See :func:`dimod.as_samples`. chains (list[array_like]): List of chains, where each chain is an array_like collection of the variables in the same order as their represention in the given samples. Returns: tuple: A 2-tuple containing: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Unembedded samples as an nS-by-nC array of dtype 'int8', where nC is the number of chains and nS the number of samples. Broken chains are resolved by greedy energy descent. :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Indicies of the samples. Equivalent to :code:`np.arange(nS)` because all samples are kept and none added. """ samples, labels = dimod.as_samples(samples) if labels != range(len(labels)): relabel = {v: idx for idx, v in enumerate(labels)} chains = [[relabel[v] for v in chain] for chain in chains] else: chains = list(map(list, chains)) # because we use them for indexing chain_to_var = self.chain_to_var variables = [chain_to_var[frozenset(labels[c] for c in chain)] for chain in chains] # we want the bqm by index bqm = self.bqm.relabel_variables({v: idx for idx, v in enumerate(variables)}, inplace=False) num_chains = len(chains) if bqm.vartype is dimod.SPIN: ZERO = -1 else: ZERO = 0 def _minenergy(arr): unbroken_arr = np.zeros((num_chains,), dtype=np.int8) broken = [] for cidx, chain in enumerate(chains): eq1 = (arr[chain] == 1) if not np.bitwise_xor(eq1.all(), eq1.any()): # not broken unbroken_arr[cidx] = arr[chain][0] else: broken.append(cidx) energies = [] for cidx in broken: en = bqm.linear[cidx] + sum(unbroken_arr[idx] * bqm.adj[cidx][idx] for idx in bqm.adj[cidx]) energies.append([-abs(en), en, cidx]) heapify(energies) while energies: _, e, i = heappop(energies) unbroken_arr[i] = val = ZERO if e > 0 else 1 for energy_triple in energies: k = energy_triple[2] if k in bqm.adj[i]: energy_triple[1] += val * bqm.adj[i][k] energy_triple[0] = -abs(energy_triple[1]) heapify(energies) return unbroken_arr num_samples, num_variables = samples.shape return np.apply_along_axis(_minenergy, 1, samples), np.arange(num_samples)