Source code for dwave.inspector

# Copyright 2019 D-Wave Systems Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import enum
import logging

from import set_loglevel

from dwave.inspector.config import config
from dwave.inspector.server import app_server
from dwave.inspector.adapters import (
    from_qmi_response, from_bqm_response, from_bqm_sampleset, from_objects,
from import push_inspector_data
from dwave.inspector.viewers import view
from dwave.inspector.proxies import rewrite_url
from dwave.inspector.package_info import __version__, __author__, __description__
from dwave.inspector.utils import RichDisplayURL    # bring back into top-level namespace

# expose the root logger to simplify access
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _configure_logging(logger, loglevel):
    """Configure `logger` root logger."""
    # TODO: move to dwave "common utils" module

    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(threadName)s %(message)s')
    handler = logging.StreamHandler()


    set_loglevel(logger, loglevel)

# configure root logger
_configure_logging(logger, config.log_level)

# enable inspector data capture on import!

[docs] class Block(enum.Enum): """Flow-control settings for scripts. An enum with values: ``NEVER``, ``ONCE``, ``FOREVER``. The default setting of ``once`` (``dwave.inspector.Block.ONCE``) blocks until your problem is loaded from the inspector web server. Examples: This example does not block while the problem is loaded. >>>, block='never') # doctest: +SKIP """ NEVER = 'never' ONCE = 'once' FOREVER = 'forever'
def open_problem(problem_id, block=Block.ONCE, timeout=None): """Open the problem inspector for the specified problem. Args: problem_id (str): Submitted problem identity, as returned by SAPI. block (:class:`Block`/str/bool, optional, default: :obj:`Block.ONCE`): Blocking behavior after opening up the web browser preview as set by :class:`Block` value. timeout (float): Blocking behavior timeout in seconds. Returns: str: URL of the inspector application. This URL is opened with the highest-priority viewer that accepts it. """ # accept string name for `block` if isinstance(block, str): block = Block(block.lower()) app_server.ensure_started() url = app_server.get_inspect_url(problem_id) external_url = rewrite_url(url) # open url and block blockable = view(external_url) if blockable is not False: if block is Block.ONCE: app_server.wait_problem_accessed(problem_id, timeout=timeout) elif block is Block.FOREVER or block is True: app_server.wait_shutdown(timeout=timeout) return external_url
[docs] def show_qmi(problem, response, embedding_context=None, warnings=None, params=None): """ Visualize a quantum machine instruction (QMI). """ data = from_qmi_response(problem=problem, response=response, embedding_context=embedding_context, warnings=warnings, params=params) id_ = push_inspector_data(data) return open_problem(id_)
[docs] def show_bqm_response(bqm, embedding_context, response, warnings=None, params=None): """ Visualize a quantum machine instruction (QMI) response and binary quadratic model. """ data = from_bqm_response(bqm=bqm, embedding_context=embedding_context, response=response, warnings=warnings, params=params) id_ = push_inspector_data(data) return open_problem(id_)
[docs] def show_bqm_sampleset(bqm, sampleset, sampler, embedding_context=None, warnings=None, params=None): """ Visualize a returned sampleset and binary quadratic model. """ data = from_bqm_sampleset(bqm=bqm, sampleset=sampleset, sampler=sampler, embedding_context=embedding_context, warnings=warnings, params=params) id_ = push_inspector_data(data) return open_problem(id_)
[docs] def show(*args, **kwargs): """Auto-detect and forward to the ``show_*`` optimal for the specified arguments. For description of accepted arguments, see of :func:`.show_qmi`, :func:`.show_bqm_response`, or :func:`.show_bqm_sampleset`. Note: Low-level data capture is enabled on `dwave.inspector` import. Data captured includes the full quantum machine instruction (QMI), QPU response, embedding context, warnings, and sampling parameters. If data capture is enabled prior to embedding/sampling, you need provide to :func:`` only a response or problem ID for QMI inspection or a :class:`~dimod.SampleSet` for logical problem and QMI inspection. If data capture is not enabled prior to embedding/sampling, provide all relevant data explicitly to :func:``. Examples: This example shows ways to visualize just a QMI (not a logical problem):: show(response) show((h, J), response) show(Q, response) show('69ace80c-d3b1-448a-a028-b51b94f4a49d') This example visualizes a QMI and explicit embedding:: show((h, J), response, dict(embedding=embedding, chain_strength=5)) This example shows embedding and warnings read from the sampleset:: show(bqm, sampleset) This example shows embedding and warnings read from a :class:`~dimod.SampleSet`, from which the logical problem is reconstructed:: show(sampleset) """ block = kwargs.pop('block', Block.ONCE) timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', None) data = from_objects(*args, **kwargs) id_ = push_inspector_data(data) return open_problem(id_, block=block, timeout=timeout)