
D-Wave Cloud Client is a minimal implementation of the REST interface used to communicate with D-Wave’s Solver API (SAPI) servers.

SAPI is an application layer built to provide resource discovery, permissions, and scheduling for quantum computers and quantum-classical hybrid solvers at D-Wave. This package provides a minimal Python interface to that layer without compromising the quality of interactions and workflow.

The D-Wave Cloud Client Solver class enables low-level control of problem submission. It is used, for example, by the dwave-system DWaveSampler, which enables quick incorporation of a D-Wave quantum computer as a sampler in your code.


It’s recommended you set up your D-Wave Cloud Client configuration through the interactive CLI utility.

As described in the Configuring Access to D-Wave Solvers section of Ocean Documentation, for your code to access remote D-Wave compute resources, you must configure communication through SAPI; for example, your code needs your API token for authentication. D-Wave Cloud Client provides multiple options for configuring the required information:

These options can be flexibly used together.

Configuration Files#

If a D-Wave Cloud Client configuration file is not explicitly specified when instantiating a client or solver, auto-detection searches for candidate files in a number of standard directories, depending on your local system’s operating system. You can see the standard locations with the get_configfile_paths() method.

For example, on a Unix system, depending on its flavor, these might include (in order):


On Windows 7+, configuration files are expected to be located under:


On Mac OS X, configuration files are expected to be located under:

~/Library/Application Support/dwave/dwave.conf

(For details on the D-Wave API for determining platform-independent paths to user data and configuration folders see the homebase tool.)

You can check the directories searched by get_configfile_paths() from a console using the interactive CLI utility; for example:

$ dwave config ls -m

A single D-Wave Cloud Client configuration file can contain multiple profiles, each defining a separate combination of communication parameters such as the URL to the remote resource, authentication token, solver, etc. Configuration files conform to a standard Windows INI-style format: profiles are defined by sections such as, [profile-a] and [profile-b]. Default values for undefined profile keys are taken from the [defaults] section.

For example, if the configuration file, ~/.config/dwave/dwave.conf, selected through auto-detection as the default configuration, contains the following profiles,

token = ABC-123456789123456789123456789

client = qpu
solver = {"num_qubits__gt": 5000}

client = hybrid

region = eu-central-1

token = DEF-987654321987654321987654321

solver = {"topology__type": "zephyr"}

you can instantiate clients for a D-Wave quantum computer and a quantum-classical hybrid solver with:

>>> from import Client
>>> client_qpu = Client.from_config()   
>>> client_hybrid = Client.from_config(profile='hybrid')   

Environment Variables#

In addition to files, you can set configuration information through environment variables; for example:

  • DWAVE_CONFIG_FILE may select the configuration file path.

  • DWAVE_PROFILE may select the name of a profile (section).

  • DWAVE_API_TOKEN may select the API token.

For details on supported environment variables and prioritizing between these and values set explicitly or through a configuration file, see

Work Flow#

A typical workflow may include the following steps:

  1. Instantiate a Client to manage communication with remote solver resources, selecting and authenticating access to available solvers; for example, you can list all solvers available to a client with its get_solvers() method and select and return one with its get_solver() method.

    Preferred use is with a context manager—a with Client.from_config(...) as construct—to ensure proper closure of all resources. The following example snippet creates a client based on an auto-detected configuration file and instantiates a solver.

    >>> with Client.from_config() as client:   
    ...     solver = client.get_solver(qpu=True)

    Alternatively, the following example snippet creates a client for software resources that it later explicitly closes.

    >>> client = Client.from_config(client='hybrid')   
    >>> # code that uses client
    >>> client.close()    
  2. Instantiate a selected Solver, a resource for solving problems. Solvers are responsible for:

    • Encoding submitted problems

    • Checking submitted parameters

    • Adding problems to a client’s submission queue

    Solvers that provide sampling for solving Ising and QUBO problems, such as an Advantage sampler DWaveSampler, or constrained quadratic models, such as a quantum-classical hybrid solver LeapHybridCQMSampler, might be remote resources.

  3. Submit your problem, using your solver, and then process the returned Future, instantiated by your solver to handle remotely executed problem solving.