.. _solving_problems: ======================================== Workflow Steps: Formulation and Sampling ======================================== The two main steps of solving problems on quantum computers are: 1. **Formulate your problem as an objective function** Objective (cost) functions are mathematical expressions of the problem to be optimized; for quantum computing, these are models (e.g., quadratic models\ [#]_\ ) that have lowest values (energy) for good solutions to the problems they represent. 2. **Find good solutions by sampling** Samplers are processes that sample from low-energy states of objective functions. Find good solutions by submitting your model to one of a variety of Ocean's quantum, classical, and hybrid quantum-classical samplers. .. figure:: ../_images/SolutionOverview.svg :name: SolutionOverview :alt: image :align: center :width: 100% Solution steps: (1) a problem known in "problem space" (a circuit of Boolean gates, a graph, a network, etc) is formulated as a model, mathematically or using Ocean functionality, and (2) the model is sampled for solutions. .. [#] Quadratic models have one or two variables per term. A simple example of a quadratic model is, .. math:: Ax + By + Cxy where :math:`A`, :math:`B`, and :math:`C` are constants. Single-variable terms---:math:`Ax` and :math:`By` here---are linear with the constant biasing the term's variable. Two-variable terms---:math:`Cxy` here---are quadratic with a relationship between the variables.