.. _index: =================================== D-Wave Ocean Software Documentation =================================== Ocean software is a suite of tools `D-Wave Systems `_ provides on the `D-Wave GitHub repository `_ for solving hard problems with quantum computers. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 getting_started concepts/index docs_cli packages contributing licenses .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Explore .. grid:: 3 :gutter: 3 .. grid-item-card:: :ref:`Annealing Model of Quantum Computing ` Quantum annealing processors naturally return low-energy solutions; some applications require the real minimum energy (optimization problems) and others require good low-energy samples (probabilistic sampling problems). :ref:`... ` .. grid-item-card:: :ref:`Gate Model of Quantum Computing ` Ocean's :code:`dwave-gate` is a software package for constructing, modifying and running quantum circuits on the included simulator. .. grid-item-card:: :ref:`Installing Ocean ` Installation is **not needed** if you are using an IDE that implements `"devcontainers" `_. :ref:`... ` Run D-Wave's many `open-source examples `_ in GitHub Codespaces with just a mouse click (requires a `Leap `_ account). .. grid-item-card:: :ref:`Hybrid solvers ` :ref:`Leap’s quantum-classical hybrid solvers ` solve arbitrary application problems. (Try this open-source `3D bin-packing example `_.) Ocean also provides a Python framework, :ref:`dwave-hybrid `, for building hybrid asynchronous decomposition samplers. .. grid-item-card:: `Leap `_ Sign up for Leap quantum cloud service, which gives you immediate, secure access to D-Wave quantum and hybrid solvers, as well as a wealth of information to help you get started :ref:`creating quantum applications `. .. grid-item-card:: `System Documentation `_ Here you will find an :ref:`introduction ` to D-Wave's quantum computers, their hardware and how they work; the :ref:`properties and parameters ` for D-Wave's solvers; :ref:`references ` on formulating problems and best practices in quantum computing; and much more. .. tab-item:: Packages .. include:: packages.rst :start-after: packages-start-marker :end-before: packages-end-marker :ref:`Site index `