.. _optimization_symbols: ======= Symbols ======= Symbols are a model's decision variables, intermediate variables, constants, and mathematical operations. See :ref:`Symbols ` for an introduction to working with symbols. Base Classes ============ .. currentmodule:: dwave.optimization.model .. _symbols_base_symbols: .. autoclass:: Symbol The following :class:`~dwave.optimization.model.Symbol` methods are inherited by the :class:`~dwave.optimization.model.ArraySymbol` class and :ref:`model symbols `. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ ~Symbol.equals ~Symbol.has_state ~Symbol.id ~Symbol.iter_predecessors ~Symbol.iter_successors ~Symbol.maybe_equals ~Symbol.reset_state ~Symbol.shares_memory ~Symbol.state_size ~Symbol.topological_index .. autoclass:: ArraySymbol The following :class:`~dwave.optimization.model.ArraySymbol` methods are inherited by the :ref:`model symbols `. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ ~ArraySymbol.all ~ArraySymbol.has_state ~ArraySymbol.max ~ArraySymbol.maybe_equals ~ArraySymbol.min ~ArraySymbol.ndim ~ArraySymbol.prod ~ArraySymbol.reshape ~ArraySymbol.sum ~ArraySymbol.shape ~ArraySymbol.size ~ArraySymbol.state ~ArraySymbol.state_size ~ArraySymbol.strides .. _symbols_model_symbols: Model Symbols ============= Each operation, decision, constant, mathematical function, and flow control is modeled using a symbol. The following symbols are available for modelling. In general, symbols should be created using the methods inherited from :class:`Symbol` and :class:`ArraySymbol`, rather than by the constructors of the following classes. .. automodule:: dwave.optimization.symbols :members: :show-inheritance: