.. _resources_cloud: ======= Clients ======= The :term:`solver`\ s that provide sampling for a :term:`binary quadratic model` problem, such as an Advantage quantum computer, or a quantum-classical hybrid :term:`sampler`, such as Leap's :class:`~dwave.system.samplers.LeapHybridCQMSampler` hybrid constrained quadratic model (CQM) sampler, are typically remote resources. The D-Wave Cloud Client :class:`~dwave.cloud.client.Client` class manages such remote solver resources. Preferred use is with a context manager---a :code:`with Client.from_config(...) as` construct---to ensure proper closure of all resources. The following example snippet creates a client based on an auto-detected configuration file and instantiates a solver. >>> with Client.from_config() as client: # doctest: +SKIP ... solver = client.get_solver(num_qubits__gt=5000) Alternatively, the following example snippet creates a client for hybrid resources that it later explicitly closes. >>> client = Client.from_config(client="hybrid") # doctest: +SKIP >>> # code that uses client >>> client.close() # doctest: +SKIP Typically you use the :class:`~dwave.cloud.client.Client` class. You can also instantiate specialized QPU, hybrid, and CPU clients directly. Client (Base Client) ==================== .. automodule:: dwave.cloud.client .. currentmodule:: dwave.cloud.client Class ----- .. autoclass:: Client Properties ---------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated Client.DEFAULTS Methods ------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated Client.from_config Client.get_regions Client.get_solver Client.get_solvers Client.is_solver_handled Client.retrieve_answer Client.close Specialized Clients =================== Typically you use the :class:`~dwave.cloud.client.Client` class. You can also instantiate a QPU, hybrid, or CPU client directly. QPU Client ---------- .. automodule:: dwave.cloud.qpu .. currentmodule:: dwave.cloud.qpu Class ~~~~~ .. autoclass:: dwave.cloud.qpu.Client Hybrid Client ------------- .. automodule:: dwave.cloud.hybrid .. currentmodule:: dwave.cloud.hybrid Class ~~~~~ .. autoclass:: dwave.cloud.hybrid.Client Software Client --------------- .. automodule:: dwave.cloud.sw .. currentmodule:: dwave.cloud.sw Class ~~~~~ .. autoclass:: dwave.cloud.sw.Client