.. _concepts_sdk: ======== Concepts ======== See the :ref:`ocean_glossary` for short definitions of terminology or learn Ocean concepts here: .. list-table:: Ocean Concepts :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Concepts - Related terms * - :ref:`bqm_sdk` - BQM, Ising, QUBO * - :ref:`cqm_sdk` - CQM, constrained quadratic model * - :ref:`csp_sdk` - CSP, binary CSP * - :ref:`dqm_sdk` - DQM, discrete quadratic model * - :ref:`hybrid_sdk` - quantum-classical hybrid, Leap's hybrid solvers, hybrid workflows * - :ref:`embedding_sdk` - embedding, mapping logical variables to physical qubits, chains, chain strength * - :ref:`nl_model_sdk` - nonlinear model, non-linear model, NL model * - :ref:`penalty_sdk` - Penalty Models * - :ref:`qm_sdk` - Quadratic Models * - :ref:`topology_sdk` - Chimera, Pegasus * - :ref:`samplers_sdk` - solver * - :ref:`solutions_sdk` - samples, sampleset, probabilistic, energy * - :ref:`variables_sdk` - binary, discrete, integer, real variables .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 bqm cqm csp dqm hybrid embedding nl_model penalty qm topology samplers solutions variables .. _ocean_glossary: Glossary -------- .. glossary:: binary quadratic model BQM A collection of binary-valued variables (variables that can be assigned two values, for example -1, 1) with associated linear and quadratic biases. Sometimes referred to in other tools as a problem. See a fuller description under :doc:`Binary Quadratic Models `. Chain One or more nodes or qubits in a target graph that represent a single variable in the source graph. See :term:`embedding`. See a fuller description under :doc:`Minor-Embedding `. Chain length The number of qubits in a :term:`Chain`. See a fuller description under :doc:`Minor-Embedding `. Chain strength Magnitude of the negative quadratic bias applied between variables to form a chain. See a fuller description under :doc:`Minor-Embedding `. Chimera A D-Wave :term:`QPU` is a lattice of interconnected qubits. While some qubits connect to others via couplers, D-Wave QPUs are not fully connected. For D-Wave 2000Q QPUs, the qubits interconnect in an architecture known as Chimera. See a fuller description under :doc:`QPU Topology `. See also :term:`Pegasus` and :term:`Zephyr`. Clique Complete graph Fully connected See `complete graph`_ on Wikipedia or :std:doc:`oceandocs:docs_dnx/reference/algorithms/clique`. A fully connected or complete :term:`binary quadratic model` is one that has interactions between all of its variables. .. _complete graph: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complete_graph Composed sampler Samplers that apply pre- and/or post-processing to binary quadratic programs without changing the underlying :term:`sampler` implementation by layering composite patterns on the sampler. For example, a composed sampler might add spin transformations when sampling from the D-Wave system. Composite A :term:`sampler` can be composed. The `composite pattern `_ allows layers of pre- and post-processing to be applied to binary quadratic programs without needing to change the underlying sampler implementation. We refer to these layers as "composites". A composed sampler includes at least one sampler and possibly many composites. Connected graph See `Connected graph `_ on the US NIST site. A connected graph has some path from any vertex to any other. A graph that has at least two vertices without a path between them is disconnected. Any :term:`Complete graph` is connected (but not all connected graphs are complete). Constrained quadratic model CQM A collection of variables with associated linear and quadratic biases representing a problem modeled as an :term:`objective function` and inequality and equality constraints. See a fuller description under :doc:`Constrained Quadratic Models `. Constraint satisfaction problem CSP A `constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) `_ requires that all the problem's variables be assigned values, out of a finite domain, that result in the satisfying of all constraints. See a fuller description under :doc:`QPU Topology `. discrete quadratic model DQM A collection of discrete-valued variables (variables that can be assigned the values specified by a set such as :math:`\{red, green, blue\}` or :math:`\{33, 5.7, 3,14 \}` ) with associated linear and quadratic biases. See a fuller description under :doc:`Discrete Quadratic Models `. Embed Embedding Minor-embed Minor-embedding The nodes and edges on the graph that represents an objective function translate to the qubits and couplers in :term:`Chimera`. Each logical qubit, in the graph of the :term:`objective function`, may be represented by one or more physical qubits. The process of mapping the logical qubits to physical qubits is known as minor embedding. See a fuller description under :doc:`Minor-Embedding `. Excited state States of a quantum system that have higher energy than the :term:`ground state`. Such states represent non-optimal solutions for problems represented by an :term:`Objective function` and infeasible configurations for problems represented by a :term:`penalty model`. Graph A collection of nodes and edges. A graph can be derived from a :term:`model`\ : a node for each variable and an edge for each pair of variables with a non-zero quadratic bias. Ground state The lowest-energy state of a quantum-mechanical system and the global minimum of a problem represented by an :term:`Objective function`. Hamiltonian A classical Hamiltonian is a mathematical description of some physical system in terms of its energies. We can input any particular state of the system, and the Hamiltonian returns the energy for that state. For a quantum system, a Hamiltonian is a function that maps certain states, called *eigenstates*, to energies. Only when the system is in an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian is its energy well defined and called the *eigenenergy*. When the system is in any other state, its energy is uncertain. For the D-Wave system, the Hamiltonian may be represented as .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{equation} {\cal H}_{ising} = \underbrace{\frac{A({s})}{2} \left(\sum_i {\hat\sigma_{x}^{(i)}}\right)}_\text{Initial Hamiltonian} + \underbrace{\frac{B({s})}{2} \left(\sum_{i} h_i {\hat\sigma_{z}^{(i)}} + \sum_{i>j} J_{i,j} {\hat\sigma_{z}^{(i)}} {\hat\sigma_{z}^{(j)}}\right)}_\text{Final Hamiltonian} \end{equation} where :math:`{\hat\sigma_{x,z}^{(i)}}` are Pauli matrices operating on a qubit :math:`q_i`, and :math:`h_i` and :math:`J_{i,j}` are the qubit biases and coupling strengths. Hardware graph See `hardware graph`_. The hardware graph is the physical lattice of interconnected qubits. See also :term:`working graph`. See a fuller description under :doc:`QPU Topology `. .. _hardware graph: https://docs.dwavesys.com/docs/latest/c_gs_4.html Hybrid Quantum-classical hybrid is the use of both classical and quantum resources to solve problems, exploiting the complementary strengths that each provides. See :ref:`using_hybrid`. Ising Traditionally used in statistical mechanics. Variables are "spin up" (:math:`\uparrow`) and "spin down" (:math:`\downarrow`), states that correspond to :math:`+1` and :math:`-1` values. Relationships between the spins, represented by couplings, are correlations or anti-correlations. The :term:`objective function` expressed as an Ising model is as follows: .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{equation} \text{E}_{ising}(\pmb{s}) = \sum_{i=1}^N h_i s_i + \sum_{i=1}^N \sum_{j=i+1}^N J_{i,j} s_i s_j \end{equation} where the linear coefficients corresponding to qubit biases are :math:`h_i`, and the quadratic coefficients corresponding to coupling strengths are :math:`J_{i,j}`. See also `Ising Model on Wikipedia `_. Minimum gap The minimum distance between the :term:`ground state` and the first :term:`excited state` throughout any point in the anneal. Model A collection of variables with associated biases. Sometimes referred to as a **problem**. Objective function A mathematical expression of the energy of a system as a function of its variables. Nonlinear model A collection of variables with associated biases that constitute an :term:`objective function` and/or constraints. Sometimes referred to as a **problem**. See a fuller description under :doc:`Nonlinear Models `. Pegasus A D-Wave :term:`QPU` is a lattice of interconnected qubits. While some qubits connect to others via couplers, D-Wave QPUs are not fully connected. For an Advantage QPU, the qubits interconnect in an architecture known as Pegasus. See a fuller description under :doc:`QPU Topology `. See also :term:`Chimera` and :term:`Zephyr`. Penalty function An algorithm for solving constrained optimization problems. In the context of Ocean tools, penalty functions are typically employed to increase the energy level of a problem’s :term:`objective function` by penalizing non-valid configurations. See `Penalty method on Wikipedia `_ Penalty model An approach to solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) using an :term:`Ising` model or a :term:`QUBO` by mapping each individual constraint in the CSP to a ‘small’ Ising model or QUBO. Quadratic model A collection of variables with associated linear and quadratic biases. Sometimes referred to as a **problem**. QPU Quantum processing unit. QUBO Quadratic unconstrained binary optimization. QUBO problems are traditionally used in computer science. Variables are TRUE and FALSE, states that correspond to 1 and 0 values. A QUBO problem is defined using an upper-diagonal matrix :math:`Q`, which is an :math:`N` x :math:`N` upper-triangular matrix of real weights, and :math:`x`, a vector of binary variables, as minimizing the function .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{equation} f(x) = \sum_{i} {Q_{i,i}}{x_i} + \sum_{i`_. Sampler Samplers are processes that sample from low energy states of a problem's objective function, which is a mathematical expression of the energy of a system. A binary quadratic model (BQM) sampler samples from low energy states in models such as those defined by an :term:`Ising` equation or a :term:`QUBO` problem and returns an iterable of samples, in order of increasing energy. SAPI Solver API used by clients to communicate with a :term:`solver`. Solver A resource that runs a problem. Some solvers interface to the :term:`QPU`; others leverage CPU and GPU resources. Source Source graph In the context of :term:`embedding`, the model or induced :term:`graph` that we wish to embed. Sometimes referred to as the **logical** graph/model. See a fuller description under :doc:`Minor-Embedding `. Structured sampler Samplers that are restricted to sampling only binary quadratic models defined on a specific :term:`graph`. Subgraph See subgraph_ on wikipedia. .. _subgraph: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_graph_theory_terms#subgraph Target Target graph :term:`Embedding` attempts to create a target :term:`model` from a target :term:`graph`. The process of embedding takes a source model, derives the source graph, maps the source graph to the target graph, then derives the target model. Sometimes referred to as the **embedded** graph/model. See a fuller description under :doc:`Minor-Embedding `. Working graph In a D-Wave QPU, the set of qubits and couplers that are available for computation is known as the working graph. The yield of a working graph is typically less than 100% of qubits and couplers that are fabricated and physically present in the QPU. See :term:`hardware graph`. Zephyr A D-Wave :term:`QPU` is a lattice of interconnected qubits. While some qubits connect to others via couplers, D-Wave QPUs are not fully connected. For D-Wave's next-generation QPU currently under development, the qubits interconnect in an architecture known as Zephyr. See a fuller description under :doc:`QPU Topology `. See also :term:`Pegasus` and :term:`Chimera`.