.. _bqm_sdk: ======================= Binary Quadratic Models ======================= The binary quadratic model (BQM) class encodes Ising and quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) models used by samplers such as the D-Wave system. The BQM equation, .. math:: E(\bf{v}) = \sum_{i=1} a_i v_i + \sum_{i` Introduces key concepts such as objective functions, Ising models, QUBOs, and graphs, explains how these models are used to represent problems, and provides some simple examples. * :std:doc:`D-Wave Problem-Solving Handbook ` Provides a variety of techniques for, and examples of, reformulating problems as BQMs. * :std:doc:`Solving Problems on a D-Wave System ` Describes and demonstrates the use of BQM in the context of Ocean software.