======== Packages ======== .. packages-start-marker .. dropdown:: `dimod `_: Quadratic models (BQM, CQM). Shared API for binary quadratic :term:`sampler`\ s. Provides a binary quadratic model (BQM) class that contains :term:`Ising` and quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (:term:`QUBO`) models used by samplers such as the D-Wave system. Also provides utilities for constructing new samplers and composed samplers. :bdg-link-primary:`code ` .. dropdown:: :ref:`dwavebinarycsp `: Generates BQMs from constraint satisfaction problems. Library to construct a binary quadratic model from a constraint satisfaction problem with small constraints over binary variables. :bdg-link-primary:`code ` .. dropdown:: :ref:`dwave-cloud-client `: API client to D-Wave solvers. Minimal implementation of the REST interface used to communicate with D-Wave :term:`Sampler` API (SAPI) servers. :bdg-link-primary:`code ` .. dropdown:: :ref:`dwave-gate `: Package for quantum circuits. A software package for constructing, modifying and running quantum circuits. :bdg-link-primary:`code ` .. dropdown:: :ref:`dwave-hybrid `: Framework for building hybrid solvers. A general, minimal Python framework for building hybrid asynchronous decomposition samplers for quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problems. :bdg-link-primary:`code ` .. dropdown:: :ref:`dwave-inspector `: Visualizer for problems submitted to quantum computers. A tool for visualizing problems submitted to, and answers received from, a D-Wave structured solver such as an Advantage quantum computer. :bdg-link-primary:`code ` .. dropdown:: :ref:`dwave-networkx `: NetworkX extension. Extension of NetworkX—a Python language package for exploration and analysis of networks and network algorithms—for users of D-Wave Systems. dwave-networkx provides tools for working with :term:`Chimera` and :term:`Pegasus` graphs and implementations of graph-theory algorithms on the D-Wave system and other binary quadratic model :term:`sampler`\ s. :bdg-link-primary:`code ` .. dropdown:: :ref:`dwave-ocean-sdk `: Ocean software development kit. Installer for D-Wave's Ocean Tools. :bdg-link-primary:`code ` .. dropdown:: :ref:`dwave-optimization `: Nonlinear models. API for nonlinear models. The package includes: * a class for nonlinear models used by the `Leap `_ service's quantum-classical hybrid nonlinear-program solver. * model generators for industrial optimization problems. :bdg-link-primary:`code ` .. dropdown:: :ref:`dwave-preprocessing `: Preprocessing tools for quadratic models. Library containing common preprocessing tools for quadratic models. :bdg-link-primary:`code ` .. dropdown:: :ref:`dwave-samplers `: Classical algorithms for solving binary quadratic models. A library that implements the following classical algorithms as :term:`samplers` for solving :term:`binary quadratic models` (BQM): * Planar: an exact solver for planar Ising problems with no linear biases. * Random: a sampler that draws uniform random samples. * Simulated Annealing: a probabilistic heuristic for optimization and approximate Boltzmann sampling well suited to finding good solutions of large problems. * Steepest Descent: a discrete analogue of gradient descent, often used in machine learning, that quickly finds a local minimum. * Tabu: a heuristic that employs local search with methods to escape local minima. * Tree Decomposition: an exact solver for problems with low treewidth. :bdg-link-primary:`code ` .. dropdown:: :ref:`dwave-system `: D-Wave samplers and composites. Basic API for easily incorporating the D-Wave system as a :term:`sampler` in the D-Wave Ocean software stack. It includes DWaveSampler, a dimod sampler that accepts and passes system parameters such as system identification and authentication down the stack. It also includes several useful composites—layers of pre- and post-processing—that can be used with DWaveSampler to handle :term:`minor-embedding`, optimize chain strength, etc. :bdg-link-primary:`code ` .. dropdown:: `minorminer `_: Minor-embeds graphs. A tool for finding graph :term:`minor-embedding`\ s, developed to embed :term:`Ising` problems onto quantum annealers (QA). While it can be used to find minors in arbitrary graphs, it is particularly geared towards the state of the art in QA: problem graphs of a few to a few hundred variables, and hardware graphs of a few thousand qubits. :bdg-link-primary:`code ` .. dropdown:: :ref:`penaltymodel `: Maps constraints to binary quadratic models. An approach to solve a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) using an :term:`Ising` model or a :term:`QUBO`, is to map each individual constraint in the CSP to a ‘small’ Ising model or QUBO. Includes a local cache for penalty models and a factory that generates penalty models using SMT solvers. :bdg-link-primary:`code ` .. packages-end-marker .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 docs_dimod/sdk_index docs_binarycsp/sdk_index docs_cloud/sdk_index docs_gate/sdk_index docs_hybrid/sdk_index docs_inspector/sdk_index docs_dnx/sdk_index docs_optimization/sdk_index docs_preprocessing/sdk_index docs_samplers/index docs_system/sdk_index docs_minorminer/source/sdk_index docs_penalty/sdk_index