.. _sapi_access: ==================================== Configuring Access to Leap's Solvers ==================================== D-Wave's Solver API (SAPI) provides access to the :term:`solver`\ s---compute resources for solving problems, such as a D-Wave quantum computers and quantum-classical hybrid solvers---hosted in the `Leap `_ quantum cloud.\ [#]_ .. [#] SAPI is used similarly for on-premises systems. Differences for such systems are noted below. This page provides the following information: * Section :ref:`sapi_access_interacting` provides information on viewing and configuring SAPI resources. * Section :ref:`sapi_access_config_create` steps you through creating a configuration file, which enables you to interact conveniently with SAPI. * Section :ref:`sapi_access_config_verify` ensures that your environment is set up correctly. * Section :ref:`sapi_intro_multiregion` provides information for users interested in using solvers hosted outside their default region. .. _sapi_access_interacting: Interacting with SAPI ===================== SAPI is an application layer that provides resource discovery, permissions, and scheduling for D-Wave solvers. Problem submission through SAPI requires the following information, typically provided by your work environment from either Ocean's default values or your configuration. * **API Token** (required) An authentication token used to authenticate the client session when you connect to the remote environment. .. dropdown:: Finding your API Token The :ref:`table_token_viewing` table shows various options to view your SAPI token. .. list-table:: Viewing Your SAPI Token :name: table_token_viewing :header-rows: 1 * - Where - How - Defaults - Usage Notes * - `Leap `_ dashboard - Log in to your Leap account. - For users that belong to multiple projects, your SAPI token for the current project is displayed; switch the current project if needed. - * - :ref:`dwave-cloud-client ` - Use the :ref:`dwave CLI ` tool. - For users that belong to multiple projects, you can specify the relevant project. - Requires that you authorize :ref:`Leap access `. Example: using :ref:`dwave CLI ` to see your SAPI token (the output shown below is illustrative only). .. code-block:: bash $ dwave leap project token --project Demo-Proj Solver API token for project Demo-Proj (ABC) is ABC-1234567890...12345. .. dropdown:: Using your API Token Typically, you configure your work environment so Ocean tools can automatically submit your API token when interacting with SAPI. Because tokens provide authentication, user names and passwords are not required in your code. The :ref:`table_token_config` table shows various options of configuring and directly using your API token. .. list-table:: Using your API Token :name: table_token_config :header-rows: 1 * - Where - How - Usage Notes * - :ref:`Configuration file ` - Configure using the :ref:`dwave CLI ` tool or edit the file manually. - You can override this configuration by setting an environment variable or explicitly in your code. * - :std:doc:`Environment variables ` - Configure :code:`DWAVE_API_TOKEN`. For example, :code:`export DWAVE_API_TOKEN=ABC-1234 ... 789` in a Unix shell. - You can override this configuration explicitly in your code. * - Explicit parameters - You can set your API token directly in your code; for example, :code:`sampler = LeapHybridCQMSampler(token="ABC-1234 ... 789")` - Not recommended outside of testing (for security reasons). .. note:: For non-Ocean clients, you set your token in the HTTP header; see the :std:doc:`sysdocs_gettingstarted:doc_rest_api` guide for information. * **Solver** (default: feature-based selection) A D-Wave resource to be used to solve your submitted problems; for example, a quantum-classical hybrid solver or an Advantage quantum computer. .. dropdown:: Viewing Available Solvers The :ref:`table_solvers_viewing` table shows various options to view available solvers. .. list-table:: Viewing Available Solvers :name: table_solvers_viewing :header-rows: 1 * - Where - How - Defaults - Usage Notes * - `Leap `_ dashboard - Log in to your Leap account. - For users that belong to multiple projects, solvers accessible to the current project are displayed; switch the current project if needed. - Solvers may be local to a region. * - :ref:`dwave-cloud-client ` - Use the :ref:`dwave CLI ` tool or Ocean's :meth:`~dwave.cloud.client.Client.get_solvers` method. - For users that belong to multiple projects, queries return solvers accessible to the current API token; switch to another project's API token if needed. - Solvers may be local to a region; see the :ref:`sapi_intro_multiregion` section to query solvers outside your default region. Example: using :ref:`dwave CLI ` to see the available solvers, their parameters, and properties (the output shown below is illustrative only). .. include:: ../docs_cli.rst :start-after: cli-example-solvers-start-marker :end-before: cli-example-solvers-end-marker Example: using :doc:`dwave-cloud-client ` to query for hybrid solvers. >>> from dwave.cloud import Client >>> with Client.from_config() as client: # doctest: +SKIP ... print(client.get_solvers(hybrid=True)) [BQMSolver(id='hybrid_binary_quadratic_model_version2'), DQMSolver(id='hybrid_discrete_quadratic_model_version1'), CQMSolver(id='hybrid_constrained_quadratic_model_version1')] .. note:: For non-Ocean clients, you can retrieve a list of supported remote solvers by sending an :code:`HTTP GET` request to the :code:`/solvers/` endpoint; see the :std:doc:`sysdocs_gettingstarted:doc_rest_api` guide for information. .. dropdown:: Selecting a Solver By default Ocean selects solvers based on a set of preferred features; for example, by default a problem submitted to a quantum computer with the :class:`~dwave.system.samplers.DWaveSampler` class sampler might prefer the less busy of two available QPUs. The :ref:`table_solvers_selecting` table shows various options to configure solver selection. .. list-table:: Selecting a Solver :name: table_solvers_selecting :header-rows: 1 * - Where - How - Usage Notes * - :ref:`Configuration file ` - Configure using the :ref:`dwave CLI ` tool or edit the file manually. - You can override this configuration by setting a solver in an environment variable or explicitly in your code. * - :std:doc:`Environment variables ` - Configure :code:`DWAVE_API_SOLVER`. For example, :code:`export DWAVE_API_SOLVER='{"num_qubits__gt": 2000}'` in a Unix shell. - You can override this configuration by selecting a solver explicitly in your code. * - Explicit parameter - You can set your solver selection directly in your code; for example, :code:`sampler = DWaveSampler(solver=dict(topology__type='pegasus'))` - * **Region/Endpoint** (default: North American URL) A URL for a region's remote resources. By default, Ocean connects to North American (region :code:`na-west-1`) Leap quantum cloud resources at URL :code:`https://na-west-1.cloud.dwavesys.com/sapi/v2/`. .. dropdown:: Finding Supported Regions and Endpoints The :ref:`table_regions_viewing` table shows various options for viewing available regions and their URLs. .. list-table:: Viewing Available Regions and Endpoints :name: table_regions_viewing :header-rows: 1 * - Where - How - Usage Notes * - `Leap `_ dashboard - Log in to your Leap account - Solvers available to your account are grouped by region. * - :ref:`dwave-cloud-client ` - Use the :ref:`Interactive CLI ` or :meth:`~dwave.cloud.client.Client.get_regions` - Example: using :doc:`dwave-cloud-client ` to query supported regions. >>> from dwave.cloud import Client >>> with Client.from_config() as client: # doctest: +SKIP ... regions = client.get_regions() ... for code, info in regions.items(): ... print(f"{info['name']} ({code}): {info['endpoint']}") North America (na-west-1): https://na-west-1.cloud.dwavesys.com/sapi/v2/ Europe (eu-central-1): https://eu-central-1.cloud.dwavesys.com/sapi/v2/ .. note:: Users of on-premises systems should request the SAPI endpoint from system administrator. .. note:: For non-Ocean clients, you can retrieve a list of supported regions by sending an :code:`HTTP GET` request to the :code:`https://cloud.dwavesys.com/metadata/v1/regions` endpoint. For information about using solvers in alternative geographical regions, see the :ref:`sapi_intro_multiregion` section below. .. _sapi_access_config_create: Create a Configuration File =========================== The simplest way to configure solver access is to use the :ref:`interactive CLI `, which is installed as part of the `dwave-ocean-sdk `_ installation. If you did not already do so with the :ref:`dwave setup ` command in the :ref:`dwave_setup` section, or want to make changes at a later time, you can use the :ref:`dwave config ` command. .. code-block:: bash $ dwave config --help Usage: dwave config [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Create, update or inspect cloud client configuration file(s). Options: --help Show this message and exit. Commands: create Create and/or update cloud client configuration file. inspect Inspect existing configuration/profile. ls List configuration files detected (and/or examined paths). Creating a configuration file using the :ref:`dwave config ` is done as follows (the :ref:`dwave setup ` command of the :ref:`dwave_setup` section runs these same configuration steps): 1. In the virtual environment you created as part of :ref:`install`, run the :code:`dwave config create` command\ [#]_ (the output shown below includes the interactive prompts and placeholder replies). .. include:: ../docs_cli.rst :start-after: cli-example-config-start-marker :end-before: cli-example-config-end-marker .. [#] You can use the :code:`--auto-token` option if you have authorized :ref:`Leap access `. 2. If needed, enter SAPI information (e.g. your API token) found as described in the :ref:`sapi_access_interacting` section above. To get started, create a minimum configuration by accepting the command's defaults (pressing Enter) for all prompts\ [#]_. You can in the future update the file if needed. .. [#] Users of on-premises systems should also enter the SAPI endpoint. Users interested in using solvers hosted outside their default region can also configure the SAPI endpoint (see the :ref:`sapi_intro_multiregion` section for the recommended way of configuring such access). Alternatively, you can create and edit a :doc:`D-Wave Cloud Client configuration file ` manually. You can always set or override your configurations in your code or with environment variables. For more information, see the examples in this document or :doc:`D-Wave Cloud Client `. .. _sapi_access_config_verify: Verify Your Configuration ========================= You can test that your solver access is configured correctly with the :ref:`interactive CLI `. 1. In your virtual environment, run the :ref:`dwave ping ` command (the output shown below is illustrative only). .. include:: ../docs_cli.rst :start-after: cli-example-ping-start-marker :end-before: cli-example-ping-end-marker 2. **Optionally**, run the :code:`dwave sample --random-problem` command to submit a random problem to a remote solver (the output shown below is illustrative only). .. code-block:: bash $ dwave sample --random-problem Using endpoint: https://my.dwavesys.url/ Using solver: My_DWAVE_2000Q Using qubit biases: {0: -1.0345257941434953, 1: -0.5795618633919246, 2: 0.9721956399428491, 3: 1.... Using qubit couplings: {(1634, 1638): 0.721736584181423, (587, 590): 0.9611623181258304, (642, 64... Number of samples: 1 Samples: [[1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1,... Occurrences: [1] Energies: [-2882.197791239335] .. _sapi_intro_multiregion: Accessing Solvers in Multiple Regions ===================================== Leap quantum cloud service is distributed across multiple geographic regions. You can see the supported regions and the solvers available in each for your account in your `Leap `_ dashboard. Ocean's :ref:`sdk_index_cloud` enables you to select solvers from a particular region using one or more of the following options: * Select a default region in your :ref:`dwave-cloud-client configuration file `. You can run the :ref:`dwave config ` CLI command with the :code:`--full` option or edit an existing configuration file to set a preferred region. * Set the appropriate environment variable (for example, :code:`export DWAVE_API_REGION=eu-central-1` in a Unix shell) for your current terminal or working session to select solvers from a preferred region. * Explicitly select the region in your code. For example, the :code:`region` parameter in the code line :code:`sampler = DWaveSampler(region="na-west-1")` selects a D-Wave quantum computer located in North America. .. note:: Keep in mind the relative priorities of configurations set at various levels (in the above bullets, the configuration file, environment variables, and explicit parameters in your code), as described in the :ref:`sdk_index_cloud` documentation. For example, while the setting of both an endpoint and region on the same level (either two lines in the configuration file or two environment variables or two explicit parameters) results in selection based on the endpoint, setting a region explicitly overrides an endpoint configured using an environment variable or in the configuration file. Example: Viewing a Region's Solvers ----------------------------------- You can use :ref:`interactive CLI ` to query solvers in a particular region. .. code-block:: bash $ dwave solvers --list --region eu-central-1 Advantage_system5.1 Example: Using Configuration-File Profiles for Multiple Regions --------------------------------------------------------------- You can set up your configuration file with profiles for multiple regions, as shown below. .. code-block:: bash [defaults] token = ABC-123456789123456789123456789 [europe] region = eu-central-1 You can then set the profile when instantiating a sampler, as below. >>> from dwave.system import DWaveSampler, EmbeddingComposite >>> sampler = EmbeddingComposite(DWaveSampler(profile="europe")) # doctest: +SKIP