============ Introduction ============ D-Wave NetworkX provides tools for working with Quantum Processing Unit (QPU) topology graphs, such as the :term:`Pegasus` used on the Advantage\ |TM| system, and implementations of graph-theory algorithms on D-Wave quantum computers and other binary quadratic model :term:`sampler`\ s; for example, functions such as :func:`.draw_pegasus` provide easy visualization for Pegasus graphs; functions such as :func:`~dwave_networkx.algorithms.max_cut.maximum_cut` or :func:`~dwave_networkx.algorithms.cover.min_vertex_cover` provide graph algorithms useful to optimization problems that fit well with D-Wave quantum computers. Like D-Wave quantum computers, all other supported samplers must have ``sample_qubo`` and ``sample_ising`` methods for solving :term:`Ising` and :term:`QUBO` models and return an iterable of samples in order of increasing energy. You can set a default sampler using the :func:`~dwave_networkx.default_sampler.set_default_sampler` function. * For an introduction to quantum processing unit (QPU) topologies such as the Pegasus graph, see :std:doc:`Topology `. * For an introduction to binary quadratic models (BQMs), see :std:doc:`Binary Quadratic Models `. * For an introduction to samplers, see :std:doc:`Samplers and Composites `. Example ======= This example creates a Pegasus graph (used by Advantage) and a small Zephyr graph (used by the Advantage2\ |TM| prototype made available in Leap\ |TM| in June 2022): .. |TM| replace:: :sup:`TM` >>> import dwave_networkx as dnx ... >>> # Advantage >>> P16 = dnx.pegasus_graph(16) ... >>> # Advantage2 >>> Z4 = dnx.zephyr_graph(4)